2019/09 - 2023/02,中国科学院青藏高原研究所自然地理,博士后
2015/09 - 2019/07,河海大学环境科学与工程,博士
2012/09 - 2015/07,中北大学环境工程,硕士
2008/09 - 2012/07,中北大学环境工程,学士
1. Dong, H. K., Liu, X. Y., Chai L., Wang, X. P.*, Gong, P.*, Wang, C. F., Zhou, Y. Q., Zeng, J. M., Niu, X. R., 2024. The human health risks and corresponding body thresholds of OCPs and PCBs in the Tibetan Plateau. Applied Geochemistry, 177: 106221.
2. Dong, H. K., Wang, X. P.*, Niu, X. R., Zeng, J. M., Zhou, Y. Q., Suona, Z., Yuan, Y. F. Chen, X., 2023. Overview of analytical methods for the determination of microplastics: Current status and trends. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 167: 117261.
3. Dong. H. K., Wang, X. P.*, Xu, L.*, Ding, J. N., Wania, F., 2023. A Flow-through Passive Sampler for Microplastics in Air. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(6): 2362-2370.
4. Dong, H. K., Lu, G. H.*, Wang, X. P., Zhang, P., Yang, H. H., Yan, Z. H., Liu, J. C., Jiang, R. R., 2023. Tissue-specific accumulation, depuration, and effects of perfluorooctanoic acid on fish: Influences of aqueous pH and sex. Science of the Total Environment, 861: 160567.
5. Dong. H. K., Wang, L. X., Wang, X. P.*, Xu, L.*, Chen, M. K., Gong, P., Wang, C. F., 2021. Microplastics in a Remote Lake Basin of the Tibetan Plateau: Impacts of Atmospheric Transport and Glacial Melting. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(19): 12951-12960.
6. Dong, H. K., Lu, G. H.*, Yan, Z. H., Liu, J. C., Yang, H. H., Zhang, P., Jiang, R. R., Bao, X. H.,Nkoom, M., 2020. Distribution, sources and human risk of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in a receiving riverine environment of the Nanjing urban area, East China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 381: 120911.
7. Dong, H. K., Lu*, G. H., Yan, Z. H., Liu, J. C., Ji, Y., 2019. Molecular and phenotypic responses of male crucian carp (Carassius auratus) exposed to perfluorooctanoic acid. Science of The Total Environment, 653:1395-1406.
8. 王蓝翔, 董慧科*, 龚平, 王传飞, 吴晓东, 2021. 多年冻土退化下碳、氮和污染物循环研究进展. 冰川冻土, 43 (5): 1365-1382.
9. 董慧科, 王小萍, 龚平, 牛学锐, 周云桥, 2024. 发明专利:用于采集大气中微塑料的被动采样器及其使用方法. ZL202210308541.5.