陈圣乾,1994年生,中国科学院青藏高原研究所副研究员,入选中国科学院BR计划青年项目(2024年),中国科协第8届“青年人才托举工程”项目。从事全新世环境变化与沙尘暴驱动机理的研究。以第一或通讯作者在Nature Communications、Science Bulletin、Earth-Science Reviews和PNAS等期刊发表学术论文17篇。论文总被SCI引用近1800次,其中1篇论文入选ESI前1%高被引论文(2020年Nature Communications)等。任中国地理学会人类世与湖泊生态工作组委员、中国自然资源学会气候资源专业委员会委员,兼任《Science Bulletin》和《科学通报》特邀编委、《Journal of Earth Science》和《地球科学》青年编委。
2012.09 – 2016.06,兰州大学资源与环境科学学院,地理科学,学士
2016.09 – 2021.06,兰州大学资源与环境科学学院,自然地理学,博士
2021.07 – 2024.08,中国科学院青藏高原研究所,特别研究助理
2024.08 – 至今,中国科学院青藏高原研究所,副研究员
1. Ma, S., Chen, S.Q.*, Chen, J.H., Chen, J., Cao, D.B., Xoplaki, E., Luterbacher, J., Chen, F.H., Huang, W., 2025. The Holocene precipitation dipole pattern in the Asian drylands: Mechanisms and processes from PMIP4 simulations and paleo-proxy evidence. Quaternary Science Reviews, 347, 109091.
2. Chen, Z.T., Chen, S.Q.*, Zhang, J.F., 2024. The Siberian High drove increasing dust storm activity on the Tibetan Plateau on the centennial scale during the past 2000 years. Global and Planetary Change, 240, 104525.
3. Chen, S.Q., Liu, J.B., Ma, S., Fan, Y.J., Jia, J., Chen, J.H., Chen, F.H., 2024. Holocene dust storm variations across northern monsoonal Asia and arid central Asia: Contrasting impacts of climate change. Global and Planetary Change, 240, 104524.
4. Liu, J.B.†, Chen, Z.T.†, Chen, S.Q.†, 2024. Southward shift of the westerly jet intensified late Holocene dust storms on the Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 237, 104461.
5. Chen, S.Q., Chen, J.H., Ding, G.Q., Ma, S., Ji, P.P., Zhou, A.F., Wu, D., Khormali, F., Hou, J.Z., Chen, F.H., 2024. Dipole pattern of Holocene hydroclimate variations across the Asian drylands: Critical evidence from West Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129(7), e2023JD039413.
6. Ding, G.Q., Chen, S.Q.*, Sun, Y.H., Ma, S., Chen, J.H., 2024. Holocene Hydroclimatic Variations in the Asian Drylands: Current Understanding and Future Perspectives. Journal of Earth Science, 35(1), 292-295.
7. Su, Y.N., Chen, S.Q.*, Li, X., Ma, S., Xie, T.T., Wang, J.B., Yan, D.Z., Chen, J.H., Feng, M., Chen, F.H., 2023. Changes in vegetation greenness and its response to precipitation seasonality in Central Asia from 1982 to 2022. Environmental Research Letters, 18(10), 104002.
8. Chen, S.Q., Chen, J.H., Lv, F.Y., Liu, X.K., Huang, W., Wang, T., Liu, J.B., Hou, J.Z., Chen, F.H., 2022. Holocene moisture variations in arid central Asia: Reassessment and reconciliation. Quaternary Science Reviews, 297, 107821.
9. Shen, Z.W., Zhang, Z.P.*, Chen, J., Chen, L., Pang, X., Chen, R.J., Liu, J.B., Chen, S.Q.*, 2022. Investigation of modern n-alkanes in Daihai Lake basin, northern China: implications for the interpretation of paleoclimate research. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10: 915500.
10. Chen, J., Liu, J.B.*, Chen, S.Q.*, Yan, X.W., Dong, H.R., Chen, F.H., 2022. Dust storms in northern China and their significance for the concept of the Anthropocene. Science China: Earth Sciences 65(5): 921-933.
11. Chen, S.Q., Liu, J.B., Wang, X., Zhao, S., Chen, J.H., Qiang, M.R., Liu, B., Xu, Q.H., Xia, D.S., Chen, F.H., 2021. Holocene dust storm variations over northern China: transition from a natural forcing to an anthropogenic forcing. Science Bulletin 66(24): 2516-2527.
12. Liu, X.K.†, Liu, J.B.†, Chen, S.Q.†, Chen, J.H., Zhang, X., Yan, J.J., Chen, F.H., 2020. New insights on Chinese cave δ18O records and their paleoclimatic significance. Earth-Science Reviews 207: 103216.
13. Chen, S.Q., Liu, J.B., Chen, J.H., Chen, F., 2020. Differences in the evolutionary pattern of dust storms over the past 2000 years between eastern and western China and the driving mechanisms. Science China: Earth Sciences 63: 1422-1424.
14. Chen, F.H.†, Chen, S.Q.†, Zhang, X., Chen, J.H., Wang, X., Gowan, E.J., Qiang, M.R., Dong, G.H., Wang, Z.L., Li, Y.C., Xu, Q.H., Xu, Y.Y., Smol, J.P., Liu, J.B., 2020. Asian dust-storm activity dominated by Chinese dynasty changes. Nature Communications 11: 920.
15. Liu, J.B., Chen, J.H., Kandasamy, S.*, Chen, S.Q.*, Xie, C.L., Chen, Q.M., Lin, B.Z., Yu, K.F., Xu, Q.H., Velasco, V.M., Chen, F.H., 2018. A 14.7 Ka Record of Earth Surface Processes from the Arid-Monsoon Transitional Zone of China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43: 723–734.
16. Chen, S.Q., Liu, J.B., Xie, C.L., Chen, J.H., Wang, H.P., Wang, Z.L., Rao, R.G., Xu, Q.H., Chen, F.H., 2018. Evolution of integrated lake status since the last deglaciation: A high resolution sedimentary record from Lake Gonghai, Shanxi, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 496: 175-182.
17. Liu, J.B.†, Chen, S.Q.†, Chen, J.H., Zhang, Z.P., Chen, F.H., 2017. Chinese cave δ18O records do not represent northern East Asian summer monsoon rainfall. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114: E2987-2988.