












  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42375075,青藏高原风吹雪发生的时空变化及影响研究,2024.01-2027.12,主持
  2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,41905012,青藏高原风吹雪-陆面模式发展及其耦合模拟研究,2020.01-2022.12,主持
  3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2018M641489,考虑风吹雪过程的陆面模式发展及其在青藏高原的应用,2019-2021,主持
  4. 国家重点研发计划,高原陆面-边界层物理过程的观测和机理研究,2018.12-2021.11,主要参加人
  5. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,基于青藏高原土壤观测的地表热通量计算的改进及其对局地降水影响研究,2023.01-2026.12,主要参与人
  6. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,珠穆朗玛峰南北坡地区复杂地表地气间水热交换变化规律研究,2023.01-2027.12,主要参与人





  1. Ma, Y., Xie, Z.*, Chen, Y.*, Liu, S., Che, T., Xu, Z., Shang, L., He, X., Meng, X., Ma, W., Xu, B., Zhao, H., Wang, J., Wu, G., and Li, X*. (2024). Dataset of spatially extensive long-term quality-assured landatmosphere interactions over the Tibetan Plateau. Earth System Science Data, 16(6), 3017-3043.
  2. Xie, Z.*, Ma, Y., Ma, W.*, Hu, Z., and Sun, G. (2023). Comparison of varied complexity parameterizations in estimating blowing snow occurrences. Journal of Hydrology, 619, 129291.
  3. Xie, Z.*, Ma, Y., Ma, W., Hu, Z., Sun, G., and Wang, Y. (2023). Analysis of Multiyear Blowing Snow Occurrences in the French Alps. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 24(1), 3-19.
  4. Ma, Y., Xie, Z.*, Ma, W.*, Han, C., Sun, F., Sun, G., Liu, L., Lai, Y., Wang, B., Liu, X., Zhao, W., Ma, W., Wang, F., Sun, L., Ma, B., Han, Y., Wang, Z., and Xi, Z. (2023). QOMS: A Comprehensive Observation Station for Climate Change Research on the Top of Earth. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104(3), E563-E584. (BAMS 亮点研究论文)
  5. Xie, Z.*, W. Ma, Y. Ma, Z. Hu, G. Sun, Y. Han, W. Hu, R. Su, and Y. Fan (2021), Decision tree-based detection of blowing snow events in the European Alps, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25(7), 3783-3804.
  6. Ma, Y.*, Z. Hu, Z. Xie*, W. Ma, B. Wang*, X. Chen, M. Li, L. Zhong, F. Sun, L. Gu, C. Han, L. Zhang, X. Liu, Z. Ding, G. Sun, S. Wang, Y. Wang and Z. Wang (2020), A long-term (2005–2016) dataset of hourly integrated land–atmosphere interaction observations on the Tibetan Plateau, Earth System Science Data, 12(4), 2937-2957. (ESI高被引论文)
  7. Xie, Z.*, Z. Hu, Y. Ma, G. Sun, L. Gu, S. Liu, Y. Wang, H. Zheng, and W. Ma (2019), Modeling Blowing Snow Over the Tibetan Plateau With the Community Land Model: Method and Preliminary Evaluation, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 124(16), 9332-9355.
  8. Hu, Z., and Z. Xie* (2019), Origin and advances in implementing blowing-snow effects in the Community Land Model, Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 11(5), 335-339.
  9. Xie, Z.*, Z. Hu, Z. Xie, B. Jia, G. Sun, Y. Du, and H. Song (2018), Impact of the snow cover scheme on snow distribution and energy budget modeling over the Tibetan Plateau, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 131(3-4), 951-965.
  10. Xie, Z.*, Z. Hu, L. Gu, G. Sun, Y. Du, and X. Yan (2017), Meteorological Forcing Datasets for Blowing Snow Modeling on the Tibetan Plateau: Evaluation and Intercomparison, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18(10), 2761-2780.
  11. 马伟强, 马耀明*, 谢志鹏*, 陈学龙,王宾宾,韩存博,李茂善,仲雷,孙方林,王忠彦,席振华,刘莲,马彬 (2023),胡伟. 喜马拉雅山区大气与环境综合观测研究支撑青藏高原地球系统科学发展[J]. 中国科学院院刊, 38(10): 1561-1571.
  12. 谢志鹏, 胡泽勇*, 刘火霖, 孙根厚, 杨耀先, 蔺筠, 黄芳芳 (2017), 陆面模式 CLM4. 5 对青藏高原高寒草甸地表能量交换模拟性能的评估, 高原气象, 36(1), 1-12. (CNKI学术精要高被引论文)其他合著论文
  13. Ma, B., Ma, Y., Ma, W., Xie, Z., Han, C., & Wang, B. (2024). Estimating the daily mean blue-sky land surface albedo on the Tibetan Plateau using convolutional neural network. International Journal of Digital Earth, 17(1), 2431621.
  14. He, J., Ma, W., Xie, Z., Qi, X., Ma, L., Ma, W., Guo, X., and Ma, Y. (2024). Enhanced understanding of warming and humidifying on ground heat flux in the Tibetan Plateau Hinterland. Atmospheric Research, 107799.
  15. Yao, N., Ma, Y., Wang, B., Zou, J., Sun, J., and Xie, Z. (2024). A comparative study of the landatmosphere energy and water exchanges over the Tibetan Plateau and the Yangtze River Region. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 17(2), 100447.
  16. Ma, Y., Su, Z., Zhong, L., Zeng, Y., Chen, X., Han, C., Wang, B., Xie, Z., Ma, W., Ma, L., Han, Q., Zhuang, R., Zhang, L., Lv, S., Yu, L., Hofste, J., Wen, J., .and Ma, W. (2024). Analysis of land-atmosphere interactions and their influence on the energy and water cycle over the Tibetan Plateau. Geo-spatial Information Science, 27(3), 902-921.
  17. Lai, Y., Chen, X.*, Ma, Y.*, Sun, F., Zhou, D., and Xie, Z (2023). Variation of atmospheric boundary layer height over the northern, central, and southern parts of the Tibetan Plateau during three monsoon seasons. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(9), e2022JD038000.
  18. Sun, G.*, Sun, F., Wei, W., Yang, S., Hu, Z., Ma, Y., Xie, Z., Wang, J. (2023). Monthly variation of local land–atmosphere coupling over the Tibetan Plateau in the rainy season and its relationship with the South Asian summer monsoon. International Journal of Climatology, 43(6), 2481-2503.
  19. Ma, Y.*, Yao, T., Zhong, L.*, Wang, B.*, Xu, X., Hu, Z., Ma, W., Sun, F., Han, C., Li, M., Chen, X., Wang, J., Li, Y., Gu, L., Xie, Z., Liu, L., Sun, G., Wang, S., Zhou, D., Zuo, H., and Wang, Z. (2023). Comprehensive study of energy and water exchange over the Tibetan Plateau: A review and perspective: From GAME/Tibet and CAMP/Tibet to TORP, TPEORP, and TPEITORP. Earth-Science Reviews, 104312.
  20. Hu, W., Ma, W.*, Yang, Z.*, Ma, Y., and Xie, Z. (2023). Sensitivity Analysis of the NoahMP Land Surface Model for Soil Hydrothermal Simulations Over the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15(3), e2022MS003136.
  21. Ma, W., Bai, L., Ma, W. *, Hu, W., Xie, Z., Su, R., Wang, B., and Ma, Y. (2022). Interannual and monthly variability of typical inland lakes on the Tibetan Plateau located in three different climatic zones. Remote Sensing, 14(19), 5015.
  22. Su, R., Z. Xie, W. Ma*, Y. Ma, B. Wang, W. Hu, and Z. Su (2022), Summer Lake Destratification Phenomenon: A Peculiar Deep Lake on the Tibetan Plateau, Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.
  23. Fan, Y., Z. Ma, Y. Ma, W. Ma*, Z. Xie, L. Ding, Y. Han, W. Hu, and R. Su (2021), Respective Advantages of "Top-Down" Based GPM IMERG and "Bottom-Up" Based SM2RAIN-ASCAT Precipitation Products Over the Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 126(7).
  24. Sun, G.*, Z. Hu, Y. Ma, Z. Xie, F. Sun, J. Wang, and S. Yang (2021), Analysis of local land atmosphere coupling characteristics over Tibetan Plateau in the dry and rainy seasons using observational data and ERA5, Science of the Total Environment, 774.
  25. Han, Y., W. Ma*, Y. Yang, Y. Ma, Z. Xie, G. Sun, M. Menenti, and B. Su (2021a), Impacts of the Silk Road pattern on the interdecadal variations of the atmospheric heat source over the Tibetan Plateau, Atmospheric Research, 260.
  26. Han, Y., Y. Ma*, Z. Wang, Z. Xie, G. Sun, B. Wang, W. Ma, R. Su, W. Hu, and Y. Fan (2021b), Variation characteristics of temperature and precipitation on the northern slopes of the Himalaya region from 1979 to 2018, Atmospheric Research, 253.
  27. Xie, J., Z. Xie*, B. Jia, P. Qin, B. Liu, L. Wang, Y. Wang, R. Li, S. Chen, S. Liu, Y. Zeng, J. Gao, L. Li, Y. Yu, D. Long, B. Wang, and Z. Xie. (2021), Coupling of the CAS-LSM Land-Surface Model With the CAS-FGOALS-g3 Climate System Model, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13(1), e2020MS002171.
  28. 马耀明, 胡泽勇, 王宾宾*, 马伟强, 陈学龙, 韩存博, 李茂善, 仲雷, 谷良雷, 孙方林,赖悦,刘莲,谢志鹏,袁令,姚楠,石兴东 (2021), 青藏高原多圈层地气相互作用过程研究进展和回顾, 高原气象, 40(6), 1-22.
  29. 苏荣明珠, 马伟强, 马耀明*, 谢志鹏, 王宾宾, 胡伟, 刘景时 (2021), 青藏高原拉昂错热力分层和混合层深度变化特征观测, 湖泊科学, 33(2), 550-560.
  30. 胡伟, 马伟强*, 马耀明, 谢志鹏 (2020), GLDAS 资料驱动的 Noah-MP 陆面模式青藏高原地表能量交换模拟性能评估, 高原气象, 39(3), 486-498.
  31. Sun, G.*, Z. Hu, Y. Ma*, Z. Xie, J. Wang, and S. Yang (2020a), Simulation analysis of local land atmosphere coupling in rainy season over a typical underlying surface in the Tibetan Plateau, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24(12), 5937-5951.
  32. Sun, G., Z. Hu*, Y. Ma, Z. Xie, S. Yang, and J. Wang (2020b), Analysis of local land-atmosphere coupling in rainy season over a typical underlying surface in Tibetan Plateau based on field measurements and ERA5, Atmospheric Research, 243.
  33. Liu, S., Z. Xie*, B. Liu, Y. Wang, J. Gao, Y. Zeng, J. Xie, Z. Xie, B. Jia, P. Qin, R. Li, L. Wang and S. Chen (2020), Global river water warming due to climate change and anthropogenic heat emission, Global and Planetary Change, 193.
  34. 郑汇璇, 胡泽勇*, 孙根厚, 谢志鹏, 严晓强, 王奕丹, 付春伟 (2019), 那曲高寒草地总体输送系数及地面热源特征, 高原气象, 38(3), 497-506.
  35. 王奕丹, 胡泽勇*, 孙根厚, 谢志鹏, 严晓强, 郑汇璇, 付春伟 (2019), 高原季风特征及其与东亚夏季风关系的研究, 高原气象, 38(3), 518-527.
  36. Sun, G., Z. Hu*, J. Wang, W. Ma, L. Gu, F. Sun, Z. Xie, and X. Yan (2019), The spatial heterogeneity of land surface conditions and its influence on surface fluxes over a typical underlying surface in the Tibetan Plateau, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 135(1-2), 221-235.
  37. 严晓强, 胡泽勇*, 孙根厚, 谢志鹏, 王奕丹, 郑汇璇 (2019), 那曲高寒草地长时间地面热源特征及其气候影响因子分析, 高原气象, 38(2), 253-263.
  38. 严晓强, 胡泽勇*, 孙根厚, 谢志鹏 (2018), 那曲高寒草地上四种地表通量计算方法的对比, 高原气象, 37(2), 358-370.
  39. Sun, G., Z. Hu*, F. Sun, J. Wang, Z. Xie, Y. Lin, and F. Huang (2017), An analysis on the influence of spatial scales on sensible heat fluxes in the north Tibetan Plateau based on Eddy covariance and large aperture scintillometer data, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 129(3-4), 965-976.
  40. Huang, F., W. Ma, B. Wang, Z. Hu*, Y. Ma, G. Sun, Z. Xie, and Y. Lin (2017), Air Temperature Estimation with MODIS Data over the Northern Tibetan Plateau, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 34(5), 650-662.
  41. 蔺筠, 胡泽勇*, 孙根厚, 谢志鹏, 黄芳芳 (2016), 城镇化发展背景下那曲地区气温变化的特征分析, 冰川冻土, 38(3), 634-644.
  42. 孙根厚, 胡泽勇*, 王介民, 刘火霖, 谢志鹏, 蔺筠, 黄芳芳 (2016), 那曲地区两种空间尺度感热通量的对比分析, 高原气象, 35(2), 285-296.
  43. Sun, G., Z. Hu*, J. Wang, Z. Xie, Y. Lin, and F. Huang (2016), Upscaling analysis of aerodynamic roughness length based on in situ data at different spatial scales and remote sensing in north Tibetan Plateau, Atmospheric Research, 176, 231-239.
  44. Jia, B., Z. Xie*, Y. Zeng, L. Wang, Y. Wang, J. Xie, and Z. Xie (2015), Diurnal and Seasonal Variations of CO2 Fluxes and Their Climate Controlling Factors for a Subtropical Forest in Ningxiang, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 32(4), 553-564.
  45. Liu, J., Z. Xie*, B. Jia, X. Tian, P. Qin, J. Zhou, Y. Yu, Q. Sun, Y. Wang, J. Xie and Z. Xie (2013), The long-term field experiment observatory and preliminary analysis of land-atmosphere interaction over hilly zone in the subtropical monsoon region of southern China, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 6(4), 203-209.