



2010.2-2010.12   苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH),联合培养

2006.9-2012.1    中国科学院研究生院,资源与环境学院,理学博士

2002.9-2006.7    清华大学,土木水利学院,工学学士


2022.11-今       中国科学院青藏高原研究所,副研究员

2013.1-2013.5    香港中文大学,助理教授(访问)

2012.4-2022.11   中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,助理研究员、副研究员





2016.8-今:中国投入产出学会 副秘书长

2019.8-今:中国投入产出学会 常务理事






  1. 西藏自治区发展和改革委员会决策咨询项目,西藏发展新质生产力的路径和政策研究,2024.7-2024.12,主持
  2. 中国科协科技智库青年人才计划,科技创新支撑区域协调发展的路径与政策研究,2023.7-2023.12,主持
  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,水资源约束下的京津冀产业协同发展研究,2019.1-2022.12,主持
  4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,水资源约束下的黄淮海地区产业结构优化发展研究-基于区域间投入产出模型,2014.1-2016.12,主持
  5. “一带一路”国际科学组织联盟战略咨询项目,“一带一路”创新发展报告2021,2020.12-2022.12,主持
  6. 无锡市市政公用产业集团“十四五”专项规划,长江经济带水环境跨区域协同治理研究,2021.12-2022.12,主持
  7. 新华社中国经济信息社,中国绿色制造发展指数,2018.2-2019.2,主持





  1. Cai, B. M., Jiang, L., Liu, Y., Zhang, Z. Y.*, Hu, X., Zhang, W.* 2023. City-level virtual groundwater flows in Northern China and the effect of agricultural relocation on alleviating groundwater scarcity, Earth’s Future, 11 (8):e2023EF003561
  2. Zhang, Z. Y., Gao, X., Tian, K. L.*, Yang, C. H.*, Wang, S.Y.* 2023. China’s domestic industry redistribution facilitates carbon emissions mitigation, iScience, 26 (6):106844
  3. Cai, B. M., Jiang, L.,Liu, Y., Zhang, W.* Zhang, Z. Y.* 2023.The impact of interregional trade on both quantity- and quality-related water scarcity of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration in China, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023, 88: 104270
  4. Tian, K. L., Zhang, Z. Y*., Zhu, L. X., Yang, C. H., He, J. W., Li, S. T. 2023. Economic exposure to regional value chain disruptions: evidence from Wuhan’s lockdown in China, Regional Studies, 57(3): 525-536
  5. Xia, Y., Wu, J., Shi, M. J., Wang, S. Y., Zhang, Z. Y*. 2022. China’s regional imbalance in electricity demand, power and water pricing-From the perspective of electricity-related virtual water transmission, Energy, 257,124775
  6. Yang, Y., Liu, Y., Yu, Y., Zhang, Z. Y*. 2022. Short-term prediction of dissolved oxygen in a river system based on a hybrid deep-learning prediction methodology, Journal of Systems Science and Information, DOI: 10.21078/JSSI-E2022009
  7. Zhang, Z. Y., Shi, M. J*., Chen, Z. K.*, Yang, H., Wang, S. Y. 2021. Water scarcity will constrain the formation of a world-class megalopolis in North China. npj Urban sustainability.1:13 https://doi.org/10.1038/s42949-020-00012-8
  8. Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, X.L., Shi, M. J*. 2018. Urban transformation optimization model: How to evaluate industrial structure under water resource constraints? Journal of Cleaner Production. 195:1497-1504
  9. Zhang, Z. Y., Yang, H., Shi, M. J*. 2017.Alleviating the water scarcity in the North China Plain: the role of virtual water and real water transfer. Chinese Economy, 50(3):205-219
  10. Zhang, Z. Y., Yang, H., Shi, M. J*. 2016. 5.Spatial and sectoral characteristics of China’s international and interregional virtual water flows -based on multi-regional input-output model. Economic Systems Research. 28(3):362-382
  11. Zhang, Z. Y., Shi, M. J*., Zhao, Z. 2015. The compilation of China interregional input-output model 2002. Economic Systems Research, 27(2):238-256
  12. Zhang, Z. Y., Shi, M. J., Yang, H*. 2012. Understanding Beijing’s water challenge: A decomposition analysis of changes in Beijing’s water footprint between 1997 and 2007. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(22): 12373-12380
  13. Zhang, Z. Y., Shi, M. J., Yang, H. 2012. Sectoral and regional analysis of impacts of China’s international trade on its water resources and uses. Value of Water Research Report, UNESCO-IHE, Delft, the Netherlands. 60:29-38
  14. Zhang, Z. Y., Yang, H*., Shi, M. J. 2011. Analyses of water footprint of Beijing in an interregional input–output framework. Ecological Economics, 70: 2494-2502
  15. Zhang, Z. Y., Shi, M. J*., Yang, H., Chapagain, A. 2011. An input-output analysis of the trend in virtual water trade and the impact on water resources and uses in China. Economic Systems Research, 23(4): 431-446
  16. Zhang, Z. Y., Yang, H*., Shi, M. J., Zehnder, A. J. B., Abbaspour, K. C. 2011. Analyses of impacts of China’s international trade on its water resources and uses. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15: 2871-2880
  17. 张卓颖,聂晓伟,2024.青藏高原生态文明高地建设:资源经济视角下的目标与路径探索,资源与产业,266DOI: 10. 13776 / j. cnki. resourcesindustries. 20240220. 001
  18. 杨悦,刘翼,卢全莹,张卓颖*2023.河流水污染跨区域合作治理机制研究基于三方演化博弈,系统工程理论与实践,436):1815–1836
  19. 张卓颖,石敏俊*2019.中国区域价值链的空间分布及演化特征以交通运输设备制造业为例,社会科学战线,1156-67.(被《新华文摘》2020年第3期论点摘编)
  20. 张卓颖,石敏俊*2011.中国省区间产业内贸易与产业结构同构分析. 地理学报,666):732-740


  1. Yang, Y., Nie, X. W., Cong, Z. Y., Pan, X. D*., Gong, X. Y., Zhang, Z. Y. 2024. Assessing the carbon-water compound use efficiency in fragile karst region: The Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, China, Ecological Indicators, 166,DOI10.1016/j.ecolind.2024.112320
  2. Li, J. F., Zhang, Y., Xia,L. F., Wang, J., Liu, S. Q., Ye, H. P*. Zhang, Z. Y. 2024. Research on Zoning and Carbon Sink Enhancement Strategies for Ecological Spaces in Counties of Different Landform Types, Sustainability, 16(13): DOI10.3390/su16135700
  3. Zhang, W.*, Zhao, J.*, Zhang, Z. Y., Liu, M. M., Li, R. Q., Xue, W. B., Xing, J., Cai, B. M., Jiang, L., Zhang, J., Hu, X., Zhong, L. J., Jiang, H. Q., Wang, J. N., Bi, J. 2023. The economy–employment–environmental health transfer and embedded inequities of China’s capital metropolitan area: a mixed-methods study, The Lancet Planetary Health,7: e912–24
  4. Li, J, Peng, B, Liu, S, Ye, H, Zhang, Z, Nie, X.*, 2023. An accurate fringe extraction model of small- and medium-sized urban areas using multi-source data. Front. Environ. Sci. 11:1118953.doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2023.1118953
  5. Li, J. Liu, S. Peng, B. Ye, H. Zhang, Z. 2023. Identification and Optimization of County-Level Ecological Spaces under the Dual-Carbon Target: A Case Study of Shaanxi Province, China. Remote Sens. 15, 4009. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15164009
  6. Li, Y. J., Zhang, Z. Y., Shi, M. J*. 2019. What should be future industrial structure of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei city region under water resource constraint: An inter-city input-output analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118117
  7. Li, Y. J., Zhang, Z. Y., Shi, M. J*. 2019. Restrictive effects of water scarcity on urban economic development in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei city region. Sustainability, 11(8): 1-23
  8. Zhou, D.Y., Zhang, Z.Y., Shi, M. J*. 2015. Where is the future for a growing metropolis in North China under water resource constraints? Sustainability Science, 10(1):113-122
  9. Wang X.J., Yang, H., Shi, M.J*., Zhou, D. Y., Zhang, Z.Y. 2015. Managing stakeholders’ conflicts for water reallocation from agriculture to industry - a case study of Heihe river basin in Northwest China. Science of the Total Environment, 505: 823-832
  10. Yang, H., Zhang, Z. Y., Shi, M. J. 2013. Quenching China’s thirst for economic growth. East Asia Forum Quarterly. 4(4):28
  11. Yang, H. Zhang, Z.Y., Shi, M.J. 2013.The Impact of China’s economic growth on its water resources. In: McKay, H and Song, L (eds) Rebalancing and Sustaining Growth in China, ANU E Press, Canberra, Australia, 2013, 309-328
  12. Yang, H., and Zhang, Z. Y. 2012. Virtual water flows - methods of water accounting and examples. In: Bogardi, Janos J.; Leentvaar, Jan; Nachtnebel, Hans-Peter (eds.) River Basins and Change, UNESCO-IHE, Delft, the Netherlands.122-132
  13. 温彤彤,潘小多,张卓颖,聂晓伟,2024.“数据要素×.”驱动下应对气候变化的实践与思考-以青藏高原为例,企业改革与发展,971-74
  14. 聂晓伟,潘小多,张卓颖等,2023. “一带一路科技合作支撑青藏高原区域发展的实践与建议,中国科学院院刊,389):1350-1362, doi: 10.16418/j.issn.1000-3045.20230707002
  15. 聂晓伟,潘小多,张卓颖,杨洋,龚心语,2023.科技合作为共建一带一路注入新动能,神州学人,403/404:33-37
  16. 聂晓伟,潘小多,张卓颖,林洁贞,2023.开放科学背景下数据知识产权面临的挑战,企业改革与发展,1-227-31
  17. 石敏俊,孙艺文,王琛,张卓颖,2022.基于产业链空间网络的京津冀城市群功能协同分析,地理研究,4112):3143-3163
  18. 李元杰,张卓颖,石敏俊*2020.水资源约束下雄安新区建设对京津冀地区的经济影响——基于城市间投入产出优化模型的分析,城市与环境研究,350-68
  19. 李娜,石敏俊*张卓颖,陈志钢,2020.基于多区域CGE模型的长江经济带一体化政策效果分析,中国管理科学,2812):67-76
  20. 石敏俊,张卓颖,2012.中国省区间投入产出模型与区际经济联系,科学出版社,北京
  21. 石敏俊*,王妍,张卓颖,周新,2012.中国各省区碳足迹与碳排放空间转移研究. 地理学报.6710):1327-1338