2024/12-至今, 中国科学院青藏高原研究所,研究员
1. Cui J, Lian X*, Huntingford C, Gimeno L, Wang T, Ding J, He M, Xu H, Chen A, Gentine P and Piao S. Global water availability boosted by vegetation-driven changes in atmospheric moisture transport. Nature Geoscience 2022, 15(12): 982–988..
2. Cui J, Piao S*, Huntingford C, Wang X, Lian X, Chevuturi A, et al. Vegetation forcing modulates global land monsoon and water resources in a CO2-enriched climate. Nature Communications 2020, 11(1): 5184.
3. Cui J, Chen A*, Huntingford C, Piao S*. Integrating ecosystem water demands into drought monitoring and assessment under climate change. Nature Water 2024, doi:
4. Cui J, He M, Lian X, Wei Z, Wang T. Spatial pattern of plant transpiration over China constrained by observations. Geophysical Research Letters 2023, 50(20): e2023GL105489.
5. Cui J, Yang H, Huntingford C, Kooperman GJ, Lian X, He M, Piao S*. Vegetation Response to Rising CO2 Amplifies Contrasts in Water Resources Between Global Wet and Dry Land Areas. Geophysical Research Letters 2021, 48(14): e2021GL094293.
6. Cui J*, Tian L*, Wei Z, Huntingford C, Wang P, Cai Z, et al. Quantifying the Controls on Evapotranspiration Partitioning in the Highest Alpine Meadow Ecosystem. Water Resources Research 2020, 56(4): e2019WR024815.
7. He M*, Cui J*, Zhang Q, Li L, Huang L, Hong S. Unraveling the role of vegetation CO2 physiological forcing on climate zone shifts in China. Geophysical Research Letters 2024, doi: 10.1029/2023GL107826.
8. Cui J*, Lide T, Yu W. Organic contamination in online laser-based plant stem and leaf water isotope measurements for pre-extracted samples. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 2021, 57(3): 262-270.
9. Cui J*, Tian L. Temperature issues in online extraction of water from plant and soil for stable isotope analysis. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometery 2020.
10. Cui J, Tian L*, Gibson JJ. When to conduct an isotopic survey for lake water balance evaluation in highly seasonal climates. Hydrological Processes 2018, 32(3): 379-387.
11. Cui J, Tian L*, Gerlein-Safdi C, Qu D. The influence of memory, sample size effects, and filter paper material on online laser-based plant and soil water isotope measurements. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometery 2017, 31(6): 509-522.
12. Cui J, Tian L*, Biggs TW, Wen R. Deuterium-excess determination of evaporation to inflow ratios of an alpine lake: Implications for water balance and modeling. Hydrological Processes 2017, 31(5): 1034-1046.
13. 崔江鹏,田立德*,刘琴,文蓉. 青藏高原中部大气水汽稳定同位素捕捉到印度洋台风“费林”信号,科学通报, 2014, 59(35): 3526-3532
14. Kan F, Lian X, Cui J, Chen A, Mao J, He M, Xu H, Piao S. Discrepant trends in global land-surface and air temperatures controlled by vegetation biophysical feedbacks, Environmental Research Letters, 2023, 18(12): 124013.
15. Wang D, Tian L, Risi C, Wang X, Cui J, Bowen GJ, et al. Vehicle-based in situ observations of the water vapor isotopic composition across China: spatial and seasonal distributions and controls. Atmospheric Chemistry Physics. 2023;23(6):3409-33.
16. Li Y, Yu W, Tian L, Lewis S, Yoshimura K, Wang C, Cui J, et al. Diagnosis of atmospheric circulation shifts in the central Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from stable isotopes. Atmospheric Research. 2023;282.
17. He M, Lian X, Cui J, Xu H, Piao S. Vegetation Physiological Response to Increasing Atmospheric CO2 Slows the Decreases in the Seasonal Amplitude of Temperature. Geophysical Research Lettters 2022, 49(6).
18. He M, Piao S, Huntingford C, Xu H, Wang X, Bastos A, Cui J, Gasser T, et al. Amplified warming from physiological responses to carbon dioxide reduces the potential of vegetation for climate change mitigation. Communications Earth & Environment 2022, 3(1).
19. Wang Y, Yu W, Luo L, Li M, Liu X, Guo R, Cui J, et al. How do precipitation events modify the stable isotope ratios in leaf water at Lhasa on the southern Tibetan Plateau? Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 2022: 1-18.
20. Tian L, Yu W, Schuster PF, Wen R, Cai Z, Wang D, Shao L Cui J, Guo X, et al. Control of seasonal water vapor isotope variations at Lhasa, southern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology 2020, 580: 124237.
21. Qu D, Tian L, Zhao H, Yao P, Xu B, Cui J. Demonstration of a memory calibration method in water isotope measurement by laser spectroscopy. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometery 2020, 34(8): e8689.
22. Shao L, Tian L, Cai Z, Cui J, Zhu D, Chen Y, et al. Driver of the interannual variations of isotope in ice core from the middle of Tibetan Plateau. Atmosphere Research 2017, 188: 48-54.
23. Zhu D, Tian L, Wang J, Wang Y, Cui J. Rapid glacier retreat in the Naimona’Nyi region, western Himalayas, between 2003 and 2013. Journal of Appled Remote Sensing 2014, 8(1): 083508.
24. 朱大运; 田立德; 王建力; 崔江鹏 ; 青藏高原中部双湖羌塘1号冰川厚度特征及冰储量估算, 冰川冻土, 2014, 36(2): 278-285