
姓名:万 欣


l   个人简介


l   教育经历 

2011. 09 - 2018. 01 中国科学院青藏高原研究所 自然地理学  博士学位

2007. 09 - 2011. 06 曲阜师范大学             地理科学    学士学位

l   工作经历

2021. 10 -     中国科学院青藏高原研究所 副研究员

2018. 02 - 2021. 09中国科学院青藏高原研究所 博士后/特别研究助理


2018/10-2019/10   挪威大气研究所           访问学者







l   国家自然科学基金,面上项目,基于分子标志物的青藏高原生物质燃烧气溶胶外源贡献研究,2019-2021,主持。

l   中国博士后科学基金,特别资助,青藏高原生物气溶胶的时空变化、来源及影响因素研究,2019-2021,主持。

l   中国博士后科学基金,面上(一等)资助,基于分子标志物的南亚大气污染物跨境传输研究,2018-2020,主持。

l   国家留学基金委和挪威研究理事会,挪威互换奖学金项目,2018-2019,主持。 


2019 中国科学院优秀博士学位论文

2018 SCI期刊Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics优秀审稿人

2017 SCI期刊Atmospheric Research优秀审稿人 



1. Li, F.*,Wan, X.*, Wang, H.J., Orsolini, Y.J., Cong, Z.Y., Gao, Y.Q., and Kang, S.C.: Arctic sea-ice loss intensifies aerosol transport to the Tibetan Plateau.Nature Climate Change, 2020, 10, 1037-1044.

2. Wan, X., Kang, S.C., Rupakheti, M., Zhang, Q.G., Tripathee, L., Guo, J.M., Chen, P.F., Rupakheti, D., Panday, A.K., Lawrence, M.G., Kawamura, K., Cong, Z.Y.*, Molecular characterization of organic aerosols in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: insights into primary and secondary sources, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2019, 19: 2725-2747.

3. Wan, X., Kawamura, K., Ram, K., Kang, S. C., Loewen, M., Gao, S.P., Wu, G.M., Fu, P.Q., Zhang, Y.L., Bhattarai, H., Cong, Z.Y.*, Aromatic acids as biomass-burning tracers in atmospheric aerosols and ice cores: A review, Environmental Pollution, 2019, 247, 216-228.

4. Wan, X., Kang, S.C.*, Li, Q.L., Rupakheti, D., Zhang, Q,G., Guo, J.M., Chen, P.F., Tripathee, L., Rupakheti, M., Panday, A.K., Wang, W., Kawamura, K., Gao, S.P., Wu, G.M., Cong, Z.Y.*, Organic molecular tracers in the atmospheric aerosols from Lumbini, Nepal, in the northern Indo-Gangetic Plain: influence of biomass burning. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2017, 17(14): 8867-8885.

5. Wan X., Kang, S.C., Wang, Y.S., Xin, J.Y., Liu, B., Guo, Y.H., Wen, T.X., Zhang, G.S., Cong, Z.Y.*, Size distribution of carbonaceous aerosols at a high-altitude site on the central Tibetan Plateau (Nam Co Station, 4730 m a.s.l.). Atmospheric Research, 2015, 153, 155-164.

6. Wan, X., Kang, S.C., Xin, J. Y., Liu, B., Wen, T. X., Wang, P. L., Wang, Y. S. *, Cong, Z.Y.*, Chemical composition of size-segregated aerosols in Lhasa City, Tibetan Plateau. Atmospheric Research, 2016, 172-173, 142–150.

7. Wan, X., Build up a glacier chamber! Science (Letter), 2015 350, 6256, 30-31, doi:10.1126/science.350.6256.30.

8. 万欣, 康世昌, 李延峰, 陈锋, 丛志远, 张国帅. 2007-2011年西藏纳木错流域积雪时空变化及其影响因素分析应用. 冰川冻土, 2013, 35(6): 14001409.


1. Pei, Q. M., Saikawa, E., Kaspari, S., Widory, David., Zhao, C. F., Wu, G. M., Loewen, M.,Wan X., Kang, S. C., Wang, X. P., Zhang, Y. L., Cong, Z. Y.*, (2021). Sulfur aerosols in the Arctic, Antarctic, and Tibetan Plateau: Current knowledge and future perspectives, Earth-Science Reviews, 220, 103753. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103753

2. Yin, X. F., Kang, S. C., Foy, B. D., Rupakheti, D., Rupakheti, M., Cong, Z. Y., Wan, X., Zhang, G. S., Zhang, Q. G.*. Impacts of Indian summer monsoon and stratospheric intrusion on airpollutants in the inland Tibetan Plateau, Geoscience Frontiers, 2021, 12(6), 101255.

3. Xiang, Y., Zhang, T. S., Liu, J. G., Wan, X., Loewen, M., Chen, X., Kang, S. C., Fu, Y. B., Lv, L. H., Liu, W. Q., Cong, Z. Y.*. Vertical profile of aerosols in the Himalayas revealed by lidar: New insights into their seasonal/diurnal patterns, sources, and transport. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 285, 117686.

4. Yttri, K. E.*, Canonaco, F., Eckhardt, S., Evangeliou, N., Fiebig, M., Gundersen, H., Hjellbrekke, A.-G., Lund Myhre, C., Platt, S. M., Prév?t, A. S. H., Simpson, D., Solberg, S., Surratt, J., T?rseth, K., Uggerud, H., Vadset, M., Wan, X., Aas, W.. Trends, composition, and sources of carbonaceous aerosol at the Birkenes Observatory, northern Europe, 2001–2018, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2021, 21, 7149–7170.

5. Gao, S. P., Xu, B. Q., Zheng, X. Y., Wan, X., Zhang, X. L., Wu, G. M., Cong, Z. Y.*. Developing an analytical method for free amino acids in atmospheric precipitation using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, Atmospheric Research, 2021, 105579.

6. Yuan, Q., Xu, J.Z., Liu, L., Zhang, A.X., Liu, Y.M., Zhang, J., Wan, X., Li, M.M., Qin, K., Cong, Z.Y., Wang, Y.H., Kang, S.C., Shi, Z.B., Pósfai, M., and Li, W.J.: Evidence for Large Amounts of Brown Carbonaceous Tarballs in the Himalayan Atmosphere, 2020, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2021, 8, 1, 16–23.

7. Wu, G.M., Fu, P.Q., Ram, K., Song, J.Z., Chen, Q.C., Kawamura, K., Wan, X., Kang, S.C., Wang, X.P., Laskin, A., and Cong, Z.Y.*, Fluorescence characteristics of water-soluble organic carbon in atmospheric aerosol, Environmental Pollution, 2021, 268, 115906.

8. Wu, G.M., Wan, X., Ram, K., Li, P.L., Liu, B., Yin, Y.G., Fu, P.Q., Loewen, M., Gao, S.P., Kang, S.C., Kawamura, K., Cong Z.Y.*, Light absorption, fluorescence properties and sources of brown carbon aerosols in the Southeast Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 257: 113616.

9. Yuan, Q., Wan, X., Cong, Z.Y., Li, M.M., Liu, L., Shu, S.J., Liu, R., Xu, L., Zhang, J., Ding, X.K., and Li, W.J.*, In Situ Observations of Light-Absorbing Carbonaceous Aerosols at Himalaya: Analysis of the South Asian Sources and Trans-Himalayan Valleys Transport Pathways. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2020, 125, e2020JD032615.

10. Bhattarai, H., Saikawa, E.,Wan, X., Zhu, H. X., Ram, K., Gao, S. P., Kang, S. C., Zhang, Q. G., Zhang, Y. L., Wu, G. M., Wang, X. P., Kawamura, K., Fu, P. Q., Cong, Z. Y.*, Levoglucosan as a tracer of biomass burning: Recent progress and perspectives,Atmospheric Research, 2019, 220, 20-33.

11. Bhattarai, H., Zhang, Y. L., Pavuluri, C. M., Wan, X., Wu, G. M., Li, P. L., Cao, F., Zhang, W. Q., Wang, Y. J., Kang, S. C., Ram, K., Kawamura, K., Ji, Z. M., Widory, D., Cong, Z. Y.*. Nitrogen Speciation and Isotopic Composition of Aerosols Collected at Himalayan Forest (3326 m a.s.l.): Seasonality, Sources, and Implications. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53(21): 12247-12256.

12. Chen, P. F., Kang, S. C.*, Li, C. L., Zhang, Q. G., Guo, J. M., Tripathee, L., Zhang, Y. L., Li, G., Gul, C., Cong, Z. Y., Wan, X., Niu, H. W., Panday, A. K., Rupakheti, M., Ji, Z. M., Carbonaceous aerosol characteristics on the Third Pole: A primary study based on the Atmospheric Pollution and Cryospheric Change (APCC) network, Environmental Pollution, 2019, 253, 49-60.

13. Pokharel, M., Guang, J., Liu, B., Kang, S., Ma, Y. M., Holben, B. N., Xia, X. A., Xin, J. Y., Ram, K., Rupakheti, D., Wan, X., Wu, G. M., Bhattarai, H., Zhao, C. F., Cong, Z. Y.*. Aerosol properties over Tibetan Plateau from a decade of AERONET measurements: baseline, types, and influencing factors. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2019, 124(23), 13357-13374.

14. Li, Q. L.*, Wang, N. L., Barbante, C., Kang, S. C., Callegaro, A., Battistel, D., Argiriadis, E., Wan, X., Yao, P., Pu, T., Wu, X. B., Han, Y., Huai, Y. P., Biomass burning source identification through molecular markers in cryoconites over the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 244, 209-217.

15. Wu, G. M., Ram, K., Fu, P. Q., Wang, W., Zhang, Y. L., Liu, X. Y., Stone, E. A., Pradhan, B. B., Dangol, P. M., Panday, A. K, Wan, X., Bai, Z. P., Kang, S. C., Zhang, Q. G., Cong, Z.Y.*. Water-Soluble Brown Carbon in Atmospheric Aerosols from Godavari (Nepal), a Regional Representative of South Asia. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53(7): 3471-3479.

16. Wu, G. M., Wan, X., Gao, S. P., Fu, P. Q., Yin, Y. G., Li, G., Zhang, G. S., Kang, S. C., Ram, K., Cong, Z. Y.*, Humic-like substances (HULIS) in aerosols of central Tibetan Plateau (Nam Co, 4730 m a.s.l): Abundance, light absorption properties and sources. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52, 72037211.

17. Gao, S. P., Xu, B. Q., Dong, X. L., Zheng, X. Y., Wan, X., Kang, S. C., Song, Q. Y., Kawamura, K., Cong, Z. Y.*, Biomass-burning derived aromatic acids in NIST standard reference material 1649b and the environmental implications. Atmospheric Environment, 2018,185, 180-185.

18. Li, Q. L.*, Wang, N. L., Barbante, C., Kang, S. C., Yao, P., Wan, X., Barbaro, E., del Carmen, V. H. M, Gambaro, A., Li, C. L., Niu, H. W., Dong, Z. W., Wu, X. B., Levels and spatial distributions of levoglucosan and dissolved organic carbon in snowpits over the Tibetan Plateau glaciers. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 612: 1340-1347.

19. Liu, B., Cong, Z. Y.*, Wang, Y. S., Xin, J. Y., Wan, X., Pan, Y. P., Liu, Z. R., Wang, Y. H., Zhang, G. S., Wang, Z. Y., Wang, Y. J., Kang, S. C.*, Background aerosol over the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau: observed characteristics of aerosol mass loading. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2017, 17(1), 449-463.

20. Wu, G. M., Cong, Z. Y.*, Kang, S. C., Kawamura, K., Fu, P. Q., Zhang, Y. L., Wan, X., Gao, S. P., Liu, B., Brown carbon in the cryosphere: Current knowledge and perspective. Advances in Climate Change Research, 2016, 7(1): 82-89.

21. Liu, Z. R, Wang, Y. S.*, Hu, B., Ji, D. S., Zhang, J. K., Wu, F. K., Wan, X., Wang, Y. H., Source appointment of fine particle number and volume concentration during severe haze pollution in Beijing in January 2013. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 1-16.

22. Cong, Z. Y., Kang, S. C.*, Kawamura, K.*, Liu, B., Wan, X., Wang, Z. Y., Gao, S. P., Fu, P. Q., Carbonaceous aerosols on the south edge of the Tibetan Plateau: concentrations, seasonality and sources. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 15, 1573-1584.

23. Cong, Z. Y., Kang, S. C.*, Zhang, Y. L., Gao, S. P., Wang, Z. Y., Liu, B., Wan, X., New insights into trace element wet deposition in the Himalayas: amounts, seasonal patterns, and implications. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(4), 2735-2744.

24. Liu, B., Kang, S. C., Sun, J. M., Wan, X., Wang, Y. J., Gao, S. P., Cong, Z. Y.*, Low-molecular-weight organic acids in the Tibetan Plateau: Results from one-year of precipitation samples at the SET station. Atmospheric Environment, 2014, 86, 68-73.

25. 李菲, 郜永祺, 万欣, 李倩, 郭东林, 王鹏岭, 李惠心. 全球变暖与地球三极气候变化,大气科学学报,2021441):1-11.

26. 李佩霖, 傅平青, 康世昌, 万欣, 刘彬, 邬光剑, 丛志远. 大气气溶胶中的氮:化学形态与同位素特征研究进展. 环境化学, 2016, 35(1): 1-10.