
传真:010-8409 7079



张伟林,1976年生,中国科学院青藏高原研究所研究员,博士生导师。主要从事青藏高原新生代盆地磁性地层和构造变形隆升研究工作;参加或主持“九五”攀登计划和“973”计划青藏项目以及国家基金委重点项目及创新群体、国家自然科学基金委面上项目与青年基金、国家重点研发计划、教育部重大项目等研究;对青藏高原南北部新生代盆地的磁性地层年代学、高原构造隆升与地貌过程以及环境演化等方面做了大量研究。在Science, Science Advance, Nature Communications, Geology, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Earth Science Reviews, Geophysical Research Letter, Journal of Geophysical Research, Geological Society of America Bulletin等国际重要期刊以及国内核心期刊合作发表论文120余篇。


1996.09 – 2000.07,兰州大学地质系,地质学,学士 

2001.09 – 2006.07,兰州大学资源环境学院,自然地理学,硕博连读 


2006.07–2009.12, 中国科学院青藏高原研究所,博士后 

2007.03–2007.07, 德国图宾根大学,访问学者 

2009.12–2013.04, 中国科学院青藏高原研究所,项目研究员 

2009.01–2011.02, 德国图宾根大学,博士后 

2013.04–2023.03, 中国科学院青藏高原研究所,副研究员 

2023.03–至今,    中国科学院青藏高原研究所,研究员






1. 国家重点研发计划:青藏高原周缘风化沉积记录及对构造隆升与气候变冷的响应(2022-2027),子课题负责人

2. 国家重点研发计划:重点盆地主要成盐期干旱气候事件与成钾作用课题(2017-2021),子课题负责人

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:柴达木盆地西部早新生代磁性地层年代学及其对生长地层的制约(2017-2020),主持

4. 国家重大科学研究计划项目:青藏高原隆升与我国西部新生代剥蚀风化及全球变化的关系(2015-2017),专题负责人

5. 中国科学院战略先导专项(B类):高原隆升与风化剥蚀及其气候效应(2013-2-17),子课题负责人

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:青海玉树地区新生代磁性地层与青藏高原隆升(2012-2015),主持

7. 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目:青藏高原北部气候与构造相互作用(2014–2016),专题负责人

8. 国家自然科学青年基金:新生代以来柴达木地块旋转与青藏高原北部构造变形的响应(2008-2010),主持




  1. Khatri D.B., Zhang, W.L.*, Fang, X.M., Meng, Q.Q., Zhang D.W., Zhang T., Yan M.D., Xie, Y.L., Paudayal, K.N., 2024. Magnetostratigraphy of the Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene sediments from the Tulsipur section, western Nepal: Tectonic implications for the Indian northern passive margin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 647, 112207.
  2. Zhang Z.B., Wang S., Zhang W.L.*, 2024. Dilated spectral–spatial Gaussian transformer net for hyperspectral image classification. Remote sensing, 16, 287.
  3. Zhang W.L.*, Li B.S., Yan M.D., 2022. Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility Reveals Late Miocene Tectonic Activity in the Western Qaidam Basin. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 845924.
  4. Zhang, W.L.*, Li, T., Fang, X.M., Zhang, T., Yan, M.D., Zan, J.B., Yang, Y.B., Khatri, D.B., 2021. Chronological and rock magnetic constraints on the transition of the Quaternary paleoclimate in the western Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Research, 112.
  5. Zhang, W.L.*, Fang, X.M., Zhang, T., Song, C.H., Yan, M.D., 2020. Eocene rotation of the northeastern central Tibetan Plateau indicating stepwise compressions and eastward extrusions. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL088989.
  6. Zhang, W.L.*, Fang, X.M., Song, C.H., Yan, M.D., Wang, J.Y., Zhang, Z.G., Wu, F.L., Zan, J.B., Zhang, T., Yang, Y.B., Tan, M.Q., 2020. Magnetostratigraphic constraints on the age of the Hipparion fauna in the Linxia Basin of China, and its implications for stepwise aridification. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 537, 109413.
  7. Zhang, W.L.*, Appel, E., Fang, X.M., Setzer F., Song, C.H., Meng, Q.Q., Yan, M.D., 2020. New paleomagnetic constraints on syntectonic growth strata in the western Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Tectonophysics, 780, 228401.
  8. Zhang, W.L.*, Zhang, D.W., Fang, X.M., Zhang, T., Chen, C.H., Yan, M.D., 2020. New paleomagnetic constraints on rift basin evolution in the northern Himalaya mountains. Gondwana Research, 77, 98-110.
  9. Zhang, W.L.*, Yan, M.D., Fang, X.M., Zhang, D.W., Zhang, T., Zan, J.B., Song, C.H., 2019. High-resolution paleomagnetic constraint on the oldest hominoid- fossil bearing sequence in the Xiaolongtan Basin, southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau and its geologic implications. Global and Planetary Change, 182, 103001.
  10. Zhang, W.L.*, Appel, E., Wang, J.Y., Fang, X.M., Zan, J.B., Yang, Y.B., Miao, Y.F., Yan, X.L., 2019. New paleomagnetic constraints for Platybelodon and Hipparion faunas in the Linxia Basin and their ecological environmental implications. Global and Planetary Change, 176, 71-83.
  11. Zhang, W.L.*, Zhang, T., Song, C.H., Appel, E., Mao, Z.Q., Fang, Y.H., Meng, Q.Q., Yang, R.S., Zhang, D.W., Li, B.S., Li, J., Lu, Y., 2017. Termination of fluvial-alluvial sedimentation in the Xining Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau, and its subsequent geomorphic evolution. Geomorphology, 297, 86-99.
  12. Zhang, W.L., Appel, E.*, Fang, X.M., Song, C.H., Setzer F., Herb, C., Yan, M.D., 2014. Magnetostratigraphy of drill-core SG-1b in the western Qaidam Basin (NE Tibetan Plateau) and tectonic implications. Geophysical Journal International, 197, 90-118.
  13. Zhang, W.L.*, Fang, X.M., Song, C.H., Appel, E., Yan, M.D., Wang, Y.D., 2013. Late Neogene magnetostratigraphy in the western Qaidam Basin (NE Tibetan Plateau) and its constraints on active tectonic uplift and progressive evolution of growth strata. Tectonophysics, 599, 107-116.
  14. Feng, Z.T., Zhang, W.L.*, Fang, X.M., Zan, J.B., Zhang, T., Song, C.H., Yan, M.D., 2022. Eocene deformation of the NE Tibetan Plateau: Indications from magnetostratigraphic constraints on the oldest sedimentary sequence in the Linxia Basin. Gondwana Research, 101, 7793.
  15. Yang, Y.B.*, Galy, A., Yang, R.S., Liu, Y.D., Zhang, W.L.*, Ruan, X.B., Fang, X.M., Jin, Z.D., Song, B.W., Yan, M.D., Zhang, G.B., Cao, K., Shen, T.Y., Mao, Z.Q., Wu, F.L., Zhang, F., 2022. Intense metamorphism-generated radiogenic Sr regulated Cenozoic water Sr isotope evolution on the NE Tibetan Plateau: A perspective on Qilian orogen denudation and Asian eolian transport. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 135, 2237–2254.
  16. Feng, Z.T., Zhang, W.L.*, Zhang, T., Fang, X.M., Zan, J.B., Yan, M.D., Song, C.H., Li, T., Ning, W.X., Wang, H., 2021. Early middle Eocene hydroclimate variations recorded by environmental magnetism in the Linxia Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 36, e2021PA004338.
  17. Khatri, D.B., Zhang, W.L.*, Fang, X.M., Meng, Q.Q., Zhang, T., Zhang, D.W., Paudayal, K.N., 2021. Rock Magnetism of Late Cretaceous to Middle Eocene Strata in the Lesser Himalaya, Western Nepal: Inferences Regarding the Paleoenvironment. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 744063.
  18. Guan, C., Yan, M.D.*, Zhang, W.L.*, Zhang, D.W., Fu, Q., Yu, L., Xu, W.L., Zan, J.B., Li, B.S., Zhang, T., Shen, M.M., 2021. Paleomagnetic and chronologic data bearing on the Permian/Triassic boundary position of Qamdo in the eastern Qiantang terrane: Implications for the closure of the Paleo-Tethys. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL092059.
  19. Li, B.S., Yan, M.D.*, Zhang, W.L.*, Fang, X.M., 2021. Bidirectional growth of the Altyn Tagh Fault since the Early Oligocene. Tectonophysics, 815, 228991.
  20. Yang, L.Y., Zhang, W.L.*, Fang, X.M., Cai, M.T., Lu, Y., 2020. Aridification recorded by lithofacies and grain size in a continuous Pliocene-Quaternary lacustrine sediment record in the western Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 556,109903.
  21. Tan, M.Q., Zhang, W.L.*, Fang, X.M., Yan, M.D., Zan, J.B., Zhang, T., 2020. Rock magnetic record of core SG-3 since 1 Ma in the western Qaidam Basin and its paleoclimate implications for the NE Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 560, 109949.
  22. Zhang, W.L., Appel, E.*, Fang, X.M., Yan, M.D., Song, C.H., Cao, L.W., 2012. Paleoclimatic implications of magnetic susceptibility in Late Pliocene-Quaternary sediments from deep drilling core SG-1 in the western Qaidam Basin (NE Tibetan Plateau). Journal of geophysical research: Solid Earth, 117(B6).
  23. Zhang, W.L., Appel, E.*, Fang, X.M., Song, C.H., Cirpka, O., 2012. Magnetostratigraphy of deep drilling core SG-1 in the western Qaidam Basin (NE Tibetan Plateau) and its tectonic implications. Quaternary Research, 78, 139-148.


  1. Zan J.B.*, Louys J.*, Dennell R., Petraglia M., Ning W.X., Fang X.M., Zhang W.L., Hu Z., 2024. Mid-Pleistocene aridity and landscape shifts promoted Palearctic hominin dispersals. Nature Communications, 15, 10279.
  2. Xu W.L., Zhang D.W., Yan M.D.*, Zhang W.L., Zhang Z.B., Xu Z.B., Zhang Y.W., Song C.H., Fang X.M., 2024. Moderate magnitude clockwise rotation of the Yunlong Basin: Implications for synchronous Eocene rotation of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 136(11-12), 4565-4578.
  3. Li B.S., Yan M.D.*, Zhang W.L., Fang X.M., Chen Y., Zhang D.W., Yang Y.P., Guan C., Bao J., 2024. Variations in the orientation of Cenozoic contractional strain in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from magnetic fabrics (western Qaidam Basin). Tectonophysics, 874, 230233.
  4. Shang S.T., Yang X.Q.*, Wu S., Ye Y.L., Zhu S.Y., Zhang W.L., 2024. Pedogenesis controls magnetic enhancement in the western Sichuan Plateau: Evidence from magnetic properties of particle-sized samples in Jinchuan loess. Catena, 240, 108019.
  5. 栗兵帅,王江汇,颜茂都*张伟林,鲍晶, 2024. 柴北缘骆驼泉剖面新生代地层磁组构特征及其构造意义. 地球物理学报,67(1), 205-224.
  6. Li B.S., Yan M.D.*, Peng H., Zhang W.L., Zan J.B., Zhang T., Fang X.M., 2024. Late Miocene oroclinal bending of the Mazatagh thrust belt in the Central Tarim Basin and its tectonic implications. Tectonics, 43, e2023TC008233.
  7. Zhang D.W., Yan M.D.*, Fang X.M., Zhang W.L., Shen M.M., Song C.H., 2024. Cretaceous magnetostratigraphy of the southern Simao Basin, SE Tibetan Plateau, and its paleogeographic implications. Geological Society of America Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1130/B37593.1.
  8. Wang Y.D.*, Yuan S.H.*, Song C.H., Zhang T., Han W.X., Zhang W.L., Yan M.D.*, Fang X.M., 2024. Jianchuan Basin Uplift and Paleo-upper Yangtze River diversion during the latest Eocene: Evidence from synsedimentary structure and apatite fission track thermochronology. Geomorphology, 463, 109375.
  9. Ye C.C.*, Chen Z.X., Yang Y.B.*, Yan Z.Y., Yang B., Zhang W.L., Fang X.M., 2024. Global cooling controls Eocene environmental change in the Lunpola Basin, central Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from salinity and weathering reconstructions. Chemical Geology, 672, 122512.
  10. Ma Z.Y., Zan J.B.*, Heller F., Stevens T., Xue Xiao X., Fang X.M., Wang G.H., Zhang W.L., Shen M.H., Zhang Y.A., 2024 Mineralogical and magnetic variations of periglacial loess in SE Tibet reveal mid-Pleistocene expansion of Tibetan glacial activity. Quaternary Science Reviews, 330, 108592.
  11. Han, W.X.*, Ye, C.C., Lü, S., Zhang, T., Fang, X.M., Zhang, W.L., Yang, Y.B., Yan, M.D., 2023. Middle-Late Global warming evolution and its implications for hominoid distribution in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Catena, 220, 106676.
  12. Miao, Y.F.*, Fang, X.M.*, Sun, J.M., Xiao, W.J., Yang, Y.H., Farnsworth, A., Wang, X.L., Huang, K.Y.*, Ren, Y.L., Wu, F.L., Qiao, Q.Q., Zhang, W.L., Meng, Q.Q., Yan, X.L., Zheng, Z., Song, C.H., Utescher, T., 2022. A new biologic paleoaltimetry indicating Late Miocene rapid uplift of northern Tibet Plateau. Science, 378(6624), 1074-1078.
  13. Ning, W.X., Zan, J.B.*, Heller, F., Fang, X.M., Zhang, Y.A., Zhang, W.L., Kang, J., Shen, M.M., 2023. Magnetic proxy of Eurasian Loess revealing enhanced physical erosion since the Mid-Pleistocene Transition. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL104411.
  14. 路淑毅, 杨斌*, 李胜荣, 宋香锁, 杜圣贤, 高建飞, 张尚坤, 李明慧, 张伟林, 2023. 鲁西南单县盆地钻孔记录的古近纪环境变化. 沉积学报, 41(2), 498-510.
  15. Khan, A.A., Zan, J.B.*, Fang, X.M., Zhang, W.L., Farooqjadoon U., 2023. Global warming drove the Mid-Miocene climate humidification in the northern Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 226, 104135.       
  16. Mao, Z.Q., Fang, X.M.*, Yang, Y.B., Ye, C.C., Zhang, W.L., Zhang, T., Christidis, G.E., 2023. Identification and origin of the Late Oligocene to Miocene pyroclastic rocks in the Lunpola Basin and link with deep geodynamics in the Lhasa terrane, Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 247, 105575.      
  17. Tian, Q.*, Fang, X.M., Zhang, W.L., Yang, Y.B., Zhang, T., 2022. Paleoecological and paleohydrological changes during the Eocene/Oligocene transition in the Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 228, 105130.
  18. Zhang, T., Han, W.X.*, Fang, Y.H., Zhang, W.L., Han, S.Y., Tian, Q., Feng, Z.T., Song, C.H., Fang, X.M., 2022. Late Miocene reorganization of lake hydrological systems on the northern Tibetan Plateau linked to topographic growth. Catena, 219, 106626.
  19. Zan, J.B.*, Ning, W.X., Heller, F., Fang, X.M.*, Zhang, W.L., Kang, J., 2022. Intensified Northern Hemisphere glaciation facilitates continuous accumulation of late Pliocene loess on the western margin of the Pamir. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL099629.
  20. Yu, L., Yan, M.D.*, Domeier, M., Guan, C., Shen, M.M., Fu, Q., Xu, W.L., Xu, Z.B., Niu, Z.C., Yang, L.Y., Shi, R.D., Zhang, W.L., Zan, J.B., Zhang, D.W., Li, B.S., 2022. New paleomagnetic and chronological constraints on the Late Triassic position of the Eastern Qiangtang Terrane: Implications for the closure of the Paleo-Jinshajiang Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL096902.
  21. Li, B.S., Yan, M.D.*, Zhang, W.L., Fang, X.M., Yang, Y.P., Zhang, D.W., Guan, C., Bao, J., 2022. Oroclinal bending of the Saishitengshan arcuate belt and implications for strike-slip faulting of the Altyn Tagh Fault. Tectonophysics, 839, 229543..
  22. Fang, X.M.*, Guo, Z.T., Jiang, D.B., Zhang, W.L., Zhang, R., Li, M.H., Wang, Y.L., Zhang, T., Miao, Y.F., 2022. No monsoon-dominated climate in northern subtropical Asia before 35 Ma. Global and Planetary Change, 218, 103970.
  23. Ye, C.C., Yang, Y.B.*, Fang, X.M.*, Guo, Z.G., Zhang, W.L., Liu, Y.D., 2022. Evolution of Paleogene weathering intensity in the Qaidam Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Insights from clay geochemistry. Catena, 213, 106162.
  24. 栗兵帅*,颜茂都,张伟林2022. 柴北缘早新生代旋转变形特征及其构造意义. 地学前缘,29(4), 249-264.
  25. Li, B.S., Yan, M.D.*, Zhang, W.L., Fang, X.M., Yang, Y.P., Zhang, D.W., Guan, C., Bao, J., 2021. Two-stage strike-slip faulting of the Altyn Tagh Fault revealed by magnetic fabrics in the Qaidam Basin. Tectonophysics, 821, 229142.
  26. Yan, M.D.*, Zhang, D.W., Fang, X.M., Zhang, W.L., Song, C.H., Liu, C.L., Shen, M.M., Zan, J.B., 2021. New insights on the age of the Mengyejing Formation in the Simao Basin, SE Tethyan domain and its geological implications. Science China: Earth Sciences, 64(2): 231252.
  27. Zhang, D.W., Yan, M.D.*, Song, C.H., Zhang, W.L., Fang, X.M., Li, B.S., 2021. Frequent polarity reversals in the Cretaceous Normal Superchron. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL091501.
  28. Fang, X.M.*, Yan, M.D., Zhang, W.L., Nie, J.S., Han, W.X., Wu, F.L., Song, C.H., Zhang, T., Zan, J.B., Yang, Y.P., 2021. Paleogeography control of Indian monsoon intensification and expansion at 41 Ma. Science Bulletin, 66, 23202328.
  29. Yang, Y.B.*, Ye, C.C., Galy, A., Fang, X.M.*, Yong Xue, Liu, Y.D., Yang, R.S., Zhang, R., Han, W.X., Zhang, W.L., Ruan, X.B., 2021. Monsoon enhanced silicate weathering as a new atmospheric CO2 consumption mechanism contributing to fast late Miocene global cooling. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 36, e2020PA004008.
  30. Yang, Y.B.*, Galy, A., Fang, X.M., Yang, R.S., Zhang, W.F., Song, B.W., Liu, Y.D., Han, W.X.,Zhang, W.L.,Yang, S., 2021. Neodymium isotopic constraints on Cenozoic Asian dust provenance changes linked to the exhumation history of the northern Tibetan Plateau and the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 296, 38-55.
  31. Yang, Y.B.*, Galy, A., Fang, X.M.*, Yang, R.S., Zhang, W.F., Song, B.W., Liu, Y.D., Han, W.X., Zhang, W.L., Yang, S., 2021. Corrigendum to “Neodymium isotopic constraints on Cenozoic Asian dust provenance changes linked to the exhumation history of the northern Tibetan Plateau and the Central Asian Orogenic Belt” [Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 296 (2021) 3855]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 301, 259-261.
  32. Lü, S., Ye, C.C., Fang, X.M., Appel, E., Han, F.Q., Yan, M.D., Zhang, W.L., Zhang, T., Yang, Y.B., Han, W.X.*, 2021.Middle to late Eocene chemical weathering history in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau and its response to global cooling. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 562(2), 110136.
  33. 颜茂都*, 张大文, 方小敏, 张伟林, 宋春晖, 刘成林, 昝金波, 申苗苗, 2021. 特提斯构造域东南端思茅盆地勐野井组地层年代学及其地质意义. 中国科学: 地球科学, 51(4), 537-559.
  34. Mao, Z.Q., Fang, X.M., Yang, Y.B., Ye, C.C., Zhang, T., Zhang, W.L., Zan, J.B., 2020. Geochemical discrimination of the altered volcanic tuff from sediments in the Lunpola Basin, central Tibetan Plateau. Clay Minerals, 55, 303-319.
  35. Xie, Y.L., Wu, F.L.*, Fang, X.M.*, Zhang, D.W., Zhang, W.L., 2020. Early Eocene southern China dominated by desert: Evidence from a palynological record of the Hengyang Basin, Hunan Province. Global and Planetary Change, 195, 103320.
  36. Ye, C.C., Yang, Y.B.*, Fang, X.M.*, Zhang, W.L., Song, C.H., Yang, R.S., 2020. Paleolake salinity evolution in the Qaidam Basin (NE Tibetan Plateau) between ~42 and 29Ma: Links to global cooling and Paratethys Sea incursions. Sedimentary Geology, 409, 105778.
  37. Shen, M.M., Zan, J.B., Yan, M.D.*, Zhang, W.L., Fang, X.M., Zhang, D.W., Zhang, T., 2020. Comparative rock magnetic study of Eocene volcanogenic and sedimentary rocks from Yunnan, southeastern Tibetan Plateau, and its geological implications. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, e2019JB017946.
  38. Fang, X.M.*, Dupont-Nivet, G., Wang, C.S., Song, C.H., Meng, Q.Q., Zhang, W.L., Nie, J.S., Zhang, T., Chen, Y., 2020. Revised chronology of central Tibetan uplift (Lunpola Basin). Science Advance, 6: eaba7298, 1-10.
  39. Zhang, T.*, Han, W.X., Fang, X.M., Song, C.H., Wang, Y.D., Zhang, W.L., Feng, Z.T., Tan, M.Q., 2020. Tectonic forcing of environmental transition in Central Asia at ~119 Ma. Gondwana Research, 89, 19-30.
  40. Li, B.S., Yan, M.D.*, Zhang, W.L., Parés, J.M., Fang, X.M., Yang, Y.P., Zhang, D.W., Guan, C., Bao, J., 2020. Magnetic fabric constraints on the Cenozoic compressional strain changes in the northern Qaidam marginal thrust belt and their tectonic implications. Tectonics, 39, e2019TC005989.
  41. Ruan, X.B., Yang, Y.B.*, Galy, A., Fang, X.M. *, Jin, Z.D., Zhang, F., Yang, R.S., Li Deng, Meng, Q.Q., Ye, C.C., Zhang, W.L., 2019. Evidence for early (≥12.7 Ma) eolian dust impact on river chemistry in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 515, 79-89.
  42. Mao, Z.Q., Meng, Q.Q.*, Fang, X.M., Zhang, T., Wu, F.L., Yang, Y.B., Zhang, W.L., Zan, J.B., Tan, M.Q., 2019. Recognition of tuffs in the middle-upper Dingqinghu Fm., Lunpola Basin, central Tibetan Plateau: Constraints on stratigraphic age and implications for paleoclimate. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 525, 44-56.
  43. Fang, X.M.*, Galy, A., Yang, Y.B., Zhang, W.L., Ye, C.C., Song, C.H., 2019. Paleogene global cooling-induced temperature feedback on chemical weathering, as recorded in the northern Tibetan Plateau. Geology, 47(10), 992-996.
  44. Fang, X.M.*, Fang, Y.H., Zan, J.B., Zhang, W.L., Song, C.H., Appel, E., Meng, Q.Q., Miao, Y.F., Dai, S., Lu, Y., Zhang, T., 2019. Cenozoic magnetostratigraphy of the Xining Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau, and its constraints on paleontological, sedimentological and tectonomorphological evolution. Earth-Science Reviews, 190, 460-485.
  45. Chen, C.H., Yan Bai*, Fang, X.M., Guo, H.C., Meng, Q.Q., Zhang, W.L., Zhou, P.C., Murodov, A., 2019. A Late Miocene terrestrial temperature history for the northeastern Tibetan Plateau's period of tectonic expansion. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(14): 8375-8386.
  46. 方小敏*, 张涛, 张伟林, 昝金波, 宋春晖, 戴霜,2019. 西宁盆地新生代磁性地层研究新进展. 科学通报,64(11), 1103-1105.
  47. 栗兵帅, 颜茂都*, 张伟林, 杨永鹏, 张大文, 陈毅, 关冲, 2019. 阿尔金断裂南侧弧形地貌单元成因及其构造意义. 地震地质, 02, 300-319.
  48. Zhang, T.*, Han, W.X., Fang, X.M., Miao, Y.F., Zhang, W.L., Song, C.H., Wang, Y.D., Khatri, D.B., Zhang, Z.G., 2018. Tectonic control of a change in sedimentary environment at ~10 Ma in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Geophysical Research Letters, 45.
  49. Zhang, T.*, Fang, X.M., Wang, Y.D., Song, C.H., Zhang, W.L., Yan, M.D., Han, W.X., Zhang, D.W., 2018. Late Cenozoic tectonic activity of the Altyn Tagh range: Constraints from sedimentary records from the Western Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Tectonophysics, 737, 40-56.
  50. Zhang, D.W., Yan, M.D., Fang, X.M.*, Yang, Y.B., Zhang, T., Zan, J.B., Zhang, W.L., Liu, C.L., Yang, Q., 2018. Magnetostratigraphic study of the potash-bearing strata from drilling core ZK2893 in the Sakhon Nakhon Basin, eastern Khorat Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 489, 40-51.
  51. Zan, J.B.*, Li, X.J., Fang, X.M., Zhang, W.L., Yan, M.D., Mao, Z.Q., 2018. Grain-size analysis of Upper Pliocene red clay deposits from Linxia Basin: Implications for Asian monsoon evolution on the NE margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 511, 597-605.
  52. Zan, J.B.*, Kang, J., Yan, M.D., Fang, X.M., Li, X.J., Guan, C., Zhang, W.L., Fang, Y.H., 2018. A pedogenic model for the magnetic enhancement of late Miocene fluvial-lacustrine sediments from the Xining Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, 8047–8061.  
  53. Zan, J.B.*, Fang, X.M., Zhang, W.L., Yan, M.D., Zhang, D.W., 2018. A new record of late Pliocene-early Pleistocene aeolian loessered clay deposits from the western Chinese Loess Plateau and its palaeoenvironmental implications. Quaternary Science Reviews, 186,17-26.
  54. Zan, J.B.*, Fang, X.M., Li, X.J., Zhang, W.L., Yan, M.D., Shen, M.M., 2018. Late Pliocene monsoonal rainfall gradients in western China recorded by the eolian deposits from the Linxia Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 8047-8061.
  55. Ye, C.C., Yang, Y.B., Fang, X.M.*, Hong, H.L., Wang, C.W., Yang, R.S., Zhang, W.L., 2018. Chlorite chemical composition change in response to the Eocene-Oligocene climate transition on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 512, 23-32.
  56. Ye, C.C., Yang, Y.B.*, Fang, X.M.*, Hong, H.L., Zhang, W.L., Yang, R.S., Song, B.W., Zhang, Z.G., 2018. Mineralogical and geochemical discrimination of the occurrence and genesis of palygorskite in Eocene sediments on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19, 567-581.
  57. Li, B.S., Yan, M.D.*, Zhang, W.L., Fang, X.M., Yang, Y.P., Zhang, D.W., Chen, Y., Guan, C., 2018. Paleomagnetic rotation constraints on the deformation of the northern Qaidam marginal thrust belt and implications for strike-slip faulting along the Altyn Tagh Fault. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, 72077224.
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  59. Yang, Y.B.*, Yang, R.S., Li, X.Y., Han, W.X., Fang, X.M., Appel, E., Galy, A., Wu, F.L., Yang, S., Zan, J.B., Zhang, Z.G., Zhang, W.L., Ye, C.C., 2017. Glacial-interglacial climate change on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau over the last 600 kyr. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 476, 181-191.
  60. Yang, Y.B.*, Galy, A., Fang, X.M.*, Yang, R.S., Zhang, W.L., Zan, J.B., 2017. Eolian dust forcing of river chemistry on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau since 8Ma. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 464, 200-210.
  61. Yang, R.S., Fang, X.M.*, Meng, Q.Q., Zan, J.B., Zhang, W.L., Deng, T., Yang, Y.B., Ruan, X.B., Yang, L.Y., Li, B.S., 2017. Paleomagnetic constrains on the Middle Miocene-Early Pliocene stratigraphy in the Xining Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau, and the geologic implications. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18.
  62. Wu, F.L., Fang, X.M.*, Meng, Q.Q., Zhao, Y., Tang, F.J., Zhang, T., Zhang, W.L., Zan, J.B., 2017. Magneto- and litho-stratigraphic records of the Oligocene-Early Miocene climatic changes from deep drilling in the Linxia Basin, Northeast Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 158, 36-46.
  63. Li, B.S., Yan, M.D.*, Zhang, W.L., Fang, X.M., Meng, Q.Q., Zan, J.B., Zhang, D.W., Yang, Y.P., Guan, C., 2017. New paleomagnetic constraints on middle Miocene strike-slip faulting along the middle Altyn Tagh Fault. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122, 41064122.
  64. Li, J., Li, M.H.*, Fang, X.M., Zhang, G.X., Zhang, W.L., Liu, X.M., 2017. Isotopic composition of gypsum hydration water in deep Core SG-1, western Qaidam basin (NE Tibetan Plateau), implications for paleoclimatic evolution. Global and Planetary Change, 155, 70-77.
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  66. Khatri, D.B.*, Zhang, W.L., Fang, X.M., Paudayal, K.N., 2017. Review of late Cenozoic climatic fingerprints in the Nepal Himalaya. Bulletin of Nepal Geological Society, 34, 87-96.
  67. Chen, Y., Yan, M.D.*, Fang, X.M., Song, C.H., Zhang, W.L., Zan, J.B., Zhang Z.G., Li B.S., Yang, Y.P., Zhang, D.W., 2017. Detrital zircon UPb Geochronological and sedimentological study of the Simao Basin: Implications for the Early Cenozoic evolution of the Red River. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 476, 22-33.
  68. Zhang, T., Han, W.X., Fang, X.M.*, Zhang, W.L., Song, C.H., Yan, M.D., 2016. Intensied tectonic deformation and uplift of the Altyn Tagh range recorded by rock magnetism and growth strata studies of the western Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 137, 54-68.
  69. Zan, J.B., Fang, X.M.*, Zhang, W.L., Yan, M.D., Zhang, T., 2016. Palaeoenvironmental and chronological constraints on the Early Pleistocene mammal fauna from loess deposits in the Linxia Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews,148, 234-242.
  70. Fang, X.M.*, Song, C.H., Yan, M.D., Zan, J.B., Liu, C.L., Sha, J.G., Zhang, W.L., Zeng, Y.Y., Wu, S., Zhang, D.W., 2016. Mesozoic litho- and magneto-stratigraphic evidence from the central Tibetan Plateau for megamonsoon evolution and potential evaporites. Gondwana Research, 37, 110-129.
  71. Yang, Y.B.*, Fang, X.M., Koutsodendris, A., Ye, C.C., Yang, R.S., Zhang, W.L., Liu, X.M., Gao, S.P., 2016. Exploring Quaternary paleolake evolution and climate change in the western Qaidam Basin based on the bulk carbonate geochemistry of lake sediments. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 446, 152-161.
  72. Yang, Y.B.*, Fang, X.M., Galy, A., Jin, Z.D., Wu, F.L., Yang, R.S., Zhang, W.L., Zan, J.B., Liu, X.M., Gao, S.P., 2016. Plateau uplift forcing climate change around 8.6 Ma on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from an integrated sedimentary Sr record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 461, 418-431.
  73. Yan, M.D.*, Zhang, D.W., Fang, X.M., Ren, H.D., Zhang, W.L., Zan, J.B., Song, C.H., Zhang, T., 2016. Paleomagnetic data bearing on the Mesozoic deformation of the Qiangtang Block: implications for the evolution of the Paleo- and Meso-Tethys. Gondwana Research, 39, 292-316.
  74. Ye, C.C., Yang, Y.B.*, Fang, X.M., Zhang, W.L., 2016. Late Eocene clay boron-derived paleosalinity in the Qaidam Basin and its implications for regional tectonics and climate. Sedimentary Geology, 346, 49-59.
  75. Fang, X.M.*, Wang, J.Y., Zhang, W.L., Zan, J.B., Song, C.H., Yan, M.D., Appel, E., Zhang, T., Wu, F.L., Yang, Y.B., Lu, Y., 2016. Tectonosedimentary evolution model of an intracontinental flexural (foreland) basin for paleoclimatic research. Global and Planetary Change, 145, 78-97.
  76. Zan, J.B., Fang, X.M.*, Yan, M.D., Zhang, W.L., Lu, Y., 2015. Lithologic and rock magnetic evidence for the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum recorded in the sedimentary archive of the Xining Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 431, 6-14.
  77. Zan, J.B.*, Fang, X.M., Yan, M.D., Zhang, W.L., Zhang, Z.G., 2015. Magnetic variations in surface soils in the NE Tibetan Plateau indicating the climatic boundary between the Westerly and East Asian summer monsoon regimes in NW China. Global and Planetary Change, 130, 16.
  78. Yang, Y.B.*, Fang, X.M., Li, M.H., Galy, A., Koutsodendris, A., Zhang, W.L., 2015. Paleoenvironmental implications of uranium concentrations in lacustrine calcareous clastic-evaporite deposits in the western Qaidam Basin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 417,422-431.
  79. Herb, C.*, Koutsodendris, A., Zhang, W.L., Appel, E., Fang, X.M., Voigt, S., Pross, J., 2015. Late Plio-Pleistocene humidity fluctuations in the western Qaidam Basin (NE Tibetan Plateau) revealed by an integrated magnetic-palynological record from lacustrine sediments SG-1. Quaternary Research, 84, 457-466.
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  81. Yan, X.L., Miao, Y.F.*, Zan, J.B., Zhang, W.L., Wu, S., 2014. Late Cenozoic fluvialelacustrine susceptibility increases in the Linxia Basin and their implications for Tibetan Plateau uplift. Quaternary International, 334-335, 132-140.
  82. Yang, Y.B., Fang, X.M.*, Appel, E., Galy, A., Li, M.H., Zhang, W.L., 2013. Late Pliocene-Quaternary evolution of redox conditions in the western Qaidam paleolake (NE Tibetan Plateau) deduced from Mn geochemistry in the drilling core SG-1. Quaternary Research, 586-595.
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