1. Xu-Ri, I. Colin Prentic, 2017, Modelling the demand for new nitrogen fixation by terrestrial ecosystems,Biogeosciences,14, 2003–2017,doi:10.5194/bg-14-2003-2017
2. Yongwen Liu, Xu-Ri*, Yuesi Wang, Yuepeng Pan, and Shilong Piao, Wet deposition of atmospheric inorganic nitrogen at five remote sites in the Tibetan Plateau, 2015, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics., 15, 11683-11700.
3. Da Wei, Xu-Ri*, Tenzin-Tarchen, Yuesi Wang and Yinghong Wang (2015a) Considerable methane uptake by alpine grasslands despite the cold climate: in situ measurements on the central Tibetan Plateau, 2008–2013. Global Change Biology, 21, 777–788.
4. Da Wei, Xu-Ri*, Tenzin-Tarchen, Dongxue Dai, Yuesi Wang and Yinhong Wang (2015b) Revisiting the role of CH4 emissions from alpine wetlands on the Tibetan Plateau: evidence from two in situ measurements at 4758 and 4320 m above sea level. Journal of Geophysical Research-biogeosciences, 120, 1741–1750.
5. 代冬雪,旭日*,徐兴良, 王迎红,西藏纳木错高寒草原豆科与非豆科优势植物群落碳氮储量及收支的对比研究,生态科学,2015,34(5),29-37
6. 旦增塔庆,旭日*,魏学红 等,西藏纳木错高寒草原、高寒草甸和沼泽化草甸主要温室气体通量对比研究,草地学报,2014, 22(3)493-501.
7. Wei D, Xu-Ri*, Liu YW et al. (2014) Three-year study of CO2 efflux and CH4/N2O fluxes at an alpine steppe site on the central Tibetan Plateau and their responses to simulated N deposition. Geoderma, 2014, 232-234, 88-96.
8. Yongwen Liu, Xu-Ri*, Xingliang Xu, Da Wei, Yuesi Wang, Yinghong Wang, Plant and soil responses of an alpine steppe on the Tibetan Plateau to multi-level nitrogen addition. Plant and Soil, 373:515-529, 2013.
9. Benjamin D. Stocker, Raphael Roth, Fortunat Joos, Renato Spahni, Marco Steinacher, Soenke Zaehle, Lex Bouwman, Xu-Ri and Iain Colin Prentice, Multiple greenhouse-gas feedbacks from the land biosphere under future climate change scenarios, Nature Climate Change, 3, 666-672, 2013.
10. Bin Liu, Shichang Kang, Jimin Sun, Yulan Zhang, Xu-Ri, Yongjie Wang, Yongwen Liu, Zhiyuan Cong, Wet precipitation chemistry at a high-altitude site (3,326 m a.s.l.) in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20:5013-5027, 2013.
11. Xu-Ri*, I. Colin Prentice,Renato Spahni,Haishan Niu, Modelling terrestrial nitrous oxide emissions and implications for climate feedback , New Phytologist, 196,472-488,2012.
12. Da Wei, Xu-Ri*, Yinghong Wang, Yongwen Liu, Tandong Yao, Responses of CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes to livestock exclosure in an alpine steppe on the Tibetan Plateau, China, Plant and Soil, 359, 45-55,2012.
13. 魏达, 旭日*, 王迎红, 姚檀栋. 青藏高原纳木错高寒草原温室气体通量及与环境因子关系研究. 草地学报 19(3): 412-419;(2011)
14. Xu-Ri*, I. Colin Prentice,Terrestrial nitrogen cycle simulation with a dynamic global vegetation model, Global Change Biology,14, 1745–1764,2008.
15. Xu-Ri*, Haishan Niu, Yuesi Wang, Mingxing Wang, Uncertainties in up-scaling field scale N2O fluxes measurement to 1°×1° resolution —a case study in Inner Mongolian grasslands, China, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 38, 633-643,2006.
16. Xu-Ri* , Mingxing Wang, Yuesi Wang, Using a modified DNDC model to estimate N2O fluxes from semi-arid grassland in China, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 35, 615-620, 2003.
17. Xu-Ri*, Yuesi Wang, Xunhua Zheng, Baomin Ji, Mingxing Wang, A comparison between measured and modeled N2O emissions from Inner Mongolian semi-arid grassland, Plant and Soil, 255, 513-528, 2003.
18. Bingyu Song*, Jie Yang, Xu-Ri, Jiangyu Wu, Water use of Leymus chinensis community, Acta Botanica Sinica, 45, 1245-1250, 2003.