
发布日期:2017-06-26 来源: 字体:[ ]


  报告名称:radiation effects of materials in THE NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE(核燃料循环中的材料辐照效应)

  报 告 人:王鲁闽 教授


  主 持 人:李伟星研究员


  时    间:2017年6月27日(星期二)下午 14:30–16:30

  地    点:青藏高原研究所825会议室

  Abstract: The long-term safety of nuclear power relies on the durability of materials used as barriers for the radionuclide release in both normal and accidental conditions. Even the normal operating conditions for these materials are often considered extreme because of the involvement of high temperature, high pressure, corrosive agents plus the high dose radiation damage. During the long-term storage of the spent nuclear fuel or other types of high level radioactive waste, the waste forms will be irradiated by energetic particles from the radioactive-decay events. The interaction of energetic particles with the atoms in the solid material displaces those atoms from their stable positions, creating lattice defects. The fate of these point defects determines the microstructural and microchemical changes, and in turn, affects the physical and chemical properties of the material in a radiation environment. This talk will show examples of radiation effects in various materials throughout the nuclear fuel cycle, emphasizing complex ceramics and natural minerals for nuclear waste storage. The research methodologies for the study of these effects and the fundamental mechanisms for the development of radiation damage in these materials will be presented.

  个人简介:王鲁闽教授现为美国密西根大学核工程与放射科学系及材料科学与工程系两系终身教授(密西根大学核工系已连续十年在美国核工程系排名第一)。王教授于2005-2009年兼密西根大学电子显微分析实验室主任,是美国材料研究学会,核学会,显微学会等学会会员,美国核学会国际合作委员会负责与中国联络的委员,中国国家自然科学基金委海外杰出青年基金获得者,曾任国际原子能机构核燃料长期储存顾问委员会顾问,现任中广核集团科技委高级顾问。已发表SCI收录的科研论文400余篇,论文已被引用万余次,h-因子=54 。王教授多年来在中国招收并帮助资助了30多名国内本科及硕士毕业生赴美留学,其中十余人已学成回国在国内三大核电集团及高校和研究机构任职。

