
传真:010-8409 7079



曹现勇,1981年生,中国科学院青藏高原研究所研究员,中组部国家高层次人才特殊支持计划青年人才(2021)。从事基于孢粉的晚第四纪东亚植被与气候时空格局及人类土地利用定量重建研究。任中国地理学会微体与古环境研究工作组副组长、中国环境科学学会生态环境模型专业委员会副主任、中国生态学学会高寒生态专业委员会委员、中国冰冻圈科学学会青年工作委员会委员、Quaternary Science Reviews和地理科学杂志编委,地球科学(Journal of Earth Science)青年编委。以第一或通讯作者在Nature Communications、Global Change Biology、Earth System Science Data、Science Bulletin、Quaternary Science Reviews、Global and Planetary Change、Climate of the Past等杂志发表SCI论文39篇。


2002.09 – 2006.06,河北师范大学资源与环境科学学院,学士

2006.09 – 2009.06,河北师范大学资源与环境科学学院,硕士

2009.09 – 2015.06,河北师范大学生命科学学院,博士结业

2010.10 – 2015.02,德国波茨坦大学,博士


2015.03–2018.02,德国阿尔弗里德 • 魏格纳极地与海洋研究所,博士后
2020.02– 今,    中国科学院青藏高原研究所,研究员






1. 国家重点研发计划“地球系统与全球变化”重点专项:寒区陆地生态系统反转的机制、影响及区域联动(2024–2029),子课题负责人

2. 中德科学中心项目:青藏高原和西伯利亚北部多尺度气候-土壤-生态系统-人类交互作用(2021–2025),主持

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:青藏高原东缘花粉及菌孢现代过程和晚全新世人类活动对植被的影响(2019–2022),主持

4. 国家第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究子专题:碳氮循环的生物学过程(2019–2023),共同负责人

5. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:末次冰期冰盛期以来藏羚羊种群规模对高寒环境的响应、适应与影响(2025–2029),参与

6. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:青藏高原南部史前农业发展与人-环境相互作用(2020–2024),参与

7. 俄罗斯科学基金会项目:Holocene climate variability and biodiversity changes in the Altai Mountains based on the study of high-resolution lacustrine records (2020–2022),参与

8. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:基于花粉产量定量重建我国6ka以来的土地覆被(1°×1°)变化(2017–2021),参与

9. 德国联邦教育及研究部项目:PalMod计划,参与


2024,国际地理联合会青年奖(IGU Early Career Award)



  1. Hao, S., Duan, Y.*, Chen, J.,Cao, X.*, 2024. Was there a “Holocene thermal maximum” in China? Science Bulletin. DOI: 10.1016/j.scib.2024.12.026.
  2. Cao, X.*, Yang, Y.*, Chen, S.*, Xiong, Z.*, 2024. Editorial preface to special issue: Palaeoenvironmental evolution on the Tibetan Plateau: A multidisciplinary approach over deep time to Quaternary timescales. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 112442.
  3. Hou, X., Sun, Z., Chen, S., Wang, N., Zang, T., Cao, X.*, Hou, J.*, 2024. Lake sediment record of eolian activity on the eastern Tibetan Plateau since 15 cal ka BP. Global and Planetary Change. 240: 104592.
  4. Neupane, S., Paudayal, K.N., Song, L., Humagain, S., Kaphle, B., Nepal, J., Ullah, A., Li, W., Cao, X.*, 2024. Modern pollen distribution along a Himalayan elevation gradient in Central Nepal. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 331: 105206.
  5. Liu, L., Wang, N., Zhang, Y., Liang, J., Ni, J., Cao, X.*, 2024. Spatial and temporal variations of vegetation cover on the central and eastern Tibetan Plateau since the Last glacial period. Global and Planetary Change. 240: 104536.
  6. Li, W., Cao, X.*, Stoof-Leichsenring, K., Hou, X., Yu, S.-Y., Tian, F., Herzschuh, U.*, 2024. Holocene lake response to glacier and catchment changes on the eastern Tibetan Plateau from quantitative conductivity reconstructions based on sedaDNA-derived macrophyte records. Quaternary Science Reviews, 338: 108806.
  7. Liao, M., Jin, Y., Li, K., Liu, L., Wang, N., Ni, J.*, Cao, X.*, 2024. Modern pollen-plant diversity relationship in open landscapes of Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 641: 112131.
  8. Cao, X., Wang, N., Cao, Y., Liu, L., Zhang, Y., Hou, X., Zhao, W., Li, Y., Tian, F.*, 2023. Hostile climate during the Last Glacial Maximum caused sparse vegetation on the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews, 301: 107916.
  9. Li, W., Wang, N.*, Liang, C., Yu, S., Tian, F., Cao, X.*, 2023. Regional peculiarities in importance of precipitation and temperature on mid-to-late Holocene arboreal degradation in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 229: 104252.
  10. Liu, L., Wang, N., Zhang, Y., Yu, X., Cao, X.*, 2023. Performance of pollen-based vegetation cover reconstruction using lake and soil samples on the Tibetan Plateau. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 32: 157–169.
  11. Su, M., Wang, N.*, Dong, H., Zhang, H., Xu, Q., Liu, J., Cao, X.*, 2023. Influence of human impacts on modern pollen assemblages and an assessment of their reliability in reconstructing climate in eastern China. Quaternary International, 670: 45–54.
  12. Wang, N., Zhang, Y., Liu, L., Li, W., Yu, X., Sun, J., Cao, X.*, 2023. Pollen analysis of middle to late Holocene records shows little evidence for grazing disturbance to alpine grassland on the Tibetan Plateau until modern times. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 627: 111745.
  13. Wang, N.*, Tian, Y., Cao, X.*, Wei, M., 2023. Palynological data confirm the occurrence of forest on the Loess Plateau of central China during the Middle Quaternary (MIS13). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 613: 111410.
  14. Wang, Y., Cao, C., Zhang, Y., Liu, L., Wang, N., Li, W., Cao, X.*, 2023. Spatial distribution of charcoal in topsoil and its potential determinants on the Tibetan Plateau. Frontier of Earth Science, 17(4): 1059–1069.
  15. Yi, K., Zhang, Y., Chen, M., Zhang, Z.*, Li, C., Li, W., Zhang, L., Wang, N., Cao, X.*, 2023. Vegetation stability characterized the central Tibetan Plateau over the last two millennia but has recently begun to change. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 625: 111689.
  16. Zhang, Y., Wang, N., Liu, L., Wang, M., Yu, X., Cao, X.*, 2023. Vegetation stability during the last two centuries on the western Tibetan Plateau: a palynological evidence. Frontier of Earth Science, 17(4): 1049–1058.
  17. Cao, X.*, Tian, F., Herzschuh, U., Ni, J., Xu, Q., Li, W., Zhang, Y., Luo, M., Chen, F., 2022. Human activities have reduced plant diversity in eastern China over the last two millennia. Global Change Biology, 28(16): 4962–4976.
  18. Cao, X.*, Chen, J., Tian, F., Xu, Q., Herzschuh, U., Telford, R., Huang, X., Zheng, Z., Shen, C., Li, W., 2022. Long-distance modern analogues bias results of pollen-based precipitation reconstructions. Science Bulletin, 67: 1115–1117.
  19. Hou, X., Liu, L., Sun, Z., Wang, M., Cao, X.*, Hou, J.*, 2022. Enhanced aridity in the source region of the Yangtze River since 5.8 ka revealed by the sediments of Saiyong Co. Quaternary International, 613: 81–90.
  20. Li, W., Tian, F., Rudaya, N., Herzschuh, U., Cao, X.*, 2022. Pollen-based Holocene thawing-history of permafrost in northern Asia and its potential impacts on climate change. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10: 894471.
  21. Liu, L., Hou, X., Yu, X., Wang, N., Zhang, Y., Cao, X.*, 2022. Vegetation and environmental changes since the Last Glacial Maximum inferred from a lake core from Saiyong Co, central Tibetan Plateau. The Holocene, 32(6): 543–553.
  22. Wang, N., Liu, L., Hou, X., Zhang, Y., Wei, H., Cao, X.*, 2022. Palynological evidence reveals an arid early Holocene for the north-east Tibetan Plateau. Climate of the Past, 18: 2381–2399. DOI: 10.5194/cp-18-2381-2022.
  23. Wang, N., Liu, L., Zhang, Y., Cao, X.*, 2022. A modern pollen dataset for the forest-meadow-steppe ecotone from the Tibetan Plateau and its potential use in past vegetation reconstruction. Boreas, 51: 847–858.
  24. Zhang, N.,Cao, X.*, Xu, Q., Huang, X., Herzschuh, U., Shen, Z., Peng, W., Liu, S., Wu, D., Wang, J., Xia, H., Zhang, D.*, Chen, F., 2022. Vegetation change and human-environment interactions in the Qinghai Lake Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, since the last deglaciation. Catena, 210: 105892.
  25. Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Liu, L., Wang, N., Cao, X.*, 2022. No evidence of human disturbance to vegetation in the Zoige Region (north-eastern Tibetan Plateau) in the last millennium until recent decades. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 589: 110843.
  26. Cao, X.*, Tian, F., Li, K., Ni, J., Yu, X., Liu, L., Wang, N., 2021. Lake surface sediment pollen dataset for the alpine meadow vegetation type from the eastern Tibetan Plateau and its potential in past climate reconstructions. Earth System Science Data, 13: 3525–3537.
  27. Cao, X.*, Tian, F., Andreev, A., Anderson, P.M., Lozhkin, A.V., Bezrukova, E., Ni, J., Rudaya, N., Stobbe, A., Wieczorek, M., Herzschuh, U.*, 2020. A taxonomically harmonized and temporally standardized fossil pollen dataset from Siberia covering the last 40 kyr. Earth System Science Data, 12: 119–135.
  28. Liu, L., Wang, W.*, Chen, D., Niu, Z., Wang, Y., Cao, X.*, Ma, Y., 2020. Soil-surface pollen assemblages and quantitative relationships with vegetation and climate from the Inner Mongolian Plateau and adjacent mountain areas of northern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 543: 109600.
  29. Herzschuh, U.*, Cao, X.*, Laepple, T., Dallmeyer, A., Telford, R., Ni, J., Chen, F., Kong, Z., Liu, G., Liu, K.-B., Liu, X., Stebich, M., Tang, L., Tian, F., Wang, Y., Wischnewski, J., Xu, Q., Yan, S., Yang, Z., Yu, G., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., Zheng, Z., 2019. Position and orientation of the westerly jet determined Holocene rainfall patterns in China. Nature Communications, 10: 2376.
  30. Cao, X.*, Tian, F., Dallmeyer, A., Herzschuh, U.*, 2019. Northern Hemisphere biome changes (>30°N) since 40 cal ka BP and their driving factors inferred from model-data comparisons. Quaternary Science Reviews, 220: 291–309.
  31. Cao, X.*, Tian, F., Li, F., Gaillard, M.-J., Rudaya, N., Herzschuh, U., 2019. Pollen-based quantitative land-cover reconstruction for northern Asia during the last 40 ka. Climate of the Past, 15: 1503–1536.
  32. Cao, X.*, Tian, F., Ding, W., 2018. Improving the quality of pollen-climate calibration-sets is the primary step for ensuring reliable climate reconstructions. Science Bulletin, 63: 1317–1318.
  33. Cao, X., Tian, F.*, Telford, R., Ni, J., Xu, Q., Chen, F., Liu, X., Stebich, M., Zhao, Y., Herzschuh, U.*, 2017. Impacts of the spatial extent of pollen-climate calibration-set on the absolute values, range and trends of reconstructed Holocene precipitation. Quaternary Science Reviews, 178: 37–53.
  34. Tian, F., Cao, X.*, Dallmeyer, A., Zhao, Y., Ni, J., Herzschuh, U., 2017. Pollen-climate relationships in time (9 ka, 6 ka, 0 ka) and space (upland vs. lowland) in eastern continental Asia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 156: 1–11.
  35. Tian, F., Cao, X.*, Dallmeyer, A., Ni, J., Zhao, Y., Wang, Y., Herzschuh, U., 2016. Quantitative woody cover reconstructions from eastern continental Asia of the last 22 ka reveal strong regional peculiarities. Quaternary Science Reviews, 137: 33–44.
  36. Cao, X.*, Herzschuh, U., Ni, J., Zhao, Y., Böhmer, T., 2015. Spatial and temporal distributions of major tree taxa in eastern continental Asia during the last 22,000 yr. The Holocene, 25: 79–91.
  37. Cao, X.*, Herzschuh, U., Telford, R.J., Ni, J., 2014. A modern pollen-climate dataset from China and Mongolia: assessing its potential for climate reconstruction. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 211, 87–96.
  38. Cao, X., Ni, J.*, Herzschuh, U.*, Wang, Y., Zhao, Y., 2013. A late Quaternary pollen dataset in eastern continental Asia for plant migration study, vegetation and climate reconstructions: set up and evaluation. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 194: 21–37.
  39. Cao, X., Xu, Q.*, Jing, Z., Li, Y., Tian, F., 2010. Holocene climate change and human impacts implied from the pollen records in Anyang, central China. Quaternary International, 227: 3–9.


  1. Liao, M., Li, K., Liu, L., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y.,Cao, X., Liu, X., Ni, J., 2024. Different trajectories of floristic diversity in forested and open landsacpes in China over the past 20,000 years. Science of the Total Environment, 957: 177701.
  2. Li, S., Wei, L., Zhao, W., Ren, W., Gu, Q., Che, Z., Cao, X., Li, H., Zhang, X., Chen, C., Zhao, Y., 2024. Environmental changes and human impacts over the past 1200years: Evidence from high-resolution pollen records from peat in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Southwest China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, , 112540.
  3. Bhatta, K.P., Cao, X., Felde, V.A., Grytnes, J.-A., Birks, H.H., Birks, H.J.B., 2024. Fossil pollen data can reconstruct robust spatial patterns of biodiversity in the past. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 330: 105175.
  4. Zhou, P., Tian, L., Graham, N., Song, S., Zhao, R., Siddique, M.S., Hu, Y., Cao, X., Lu, Y., Elimelech, M., Yu. W., 2024. Spatial patterns and environmental functions of dissolved organic matter in grassland soils of China. Nature Communications, 15: 6356.
  5. Chen, J., Zhang, Q., Lu, Z., Duan, Y., Cao, X., Huang, J., Chen, F., 2024. Reconciling East Asia's mid-Holocene temperature discrepancy through vegetation-climate feedback. Science Bulletin, 69, 2420–2429.
  6. Cao, C., Wang, N.*, Li, W., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, L., Cao, X., 2024. Modern pollen thresholds for tree presence on the eastern Tibetan Plateau and their potential application. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 639, 112066.
  7. Chen, C., Zhao, W., Xia, Y., Gu, Q., Li, H., Cao, X., Zhao, Y., Liang, C., Zhang, X., 2024. Holocene climatic transition in the Yangtze River region and its impact on prehistoric civilizations. Catena, 238, 107886.
  8. Hou, X., Wang, N., Sun, Z., Yuan, K., Cao, X., Hou, J., 2024. BrGDGT-based seasonal paleotemperature reconstruction for the last 15 000 years from a shallow lake on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Climate of the Past, 20, 335–348.
  9. Ma, L., Li, Z., Xu, Q., Li, H., Zhang, K., Li, Y., Zhang, R., Cao, X., Zhang, S., 2024. Modern pollen assemblages from the Tibetan Plateau and their significance for reconstructions of past vegetation. Boreas, 53, 42–55.
  10. Chen, F., Duan, Y., Hao, S., Chen, J., Feng, X., Hou, J., Cao, X., Zhang, X., Zhou, T., 2023. Holocene thermal maximum mode versus the continuous warming mode: Problems of data-model comparisons and future research prospects. Science China Earth Sciences, 66(8): 1683–1701.
  11. Chen, M., Tian, F., Cao, X., Zhang, W., Plessen, B., Mischke, S., 2023. Hydrological variations in the Yellow River Source area (NE Tibetan Plateau) during the last 7.4 ka inferred from stable isotopes of ostracod valves. Catena, 232: 107328.
  12. Hou, X., Wang, N., Sun, Z., Yuan, K., Cao, X., Hou, J., 2023. BrGDGTs-based seasonal paleotemperature reconstruction for the last 15,000 years from a shallow lake on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Climate of the Past, 20: 335–348.
  13. Tian, F., Chen, M., Jia, W., Herzschuh, U., Cao, X., 2023. Complementarity of lacustrine pollen and sedimentary DNA in representing vegetation on the central-eastern Tibetan Plateau. Frontiers of Earth Science, DOI: 10.1007/s11707-022-1075-1.
  14. Tian, F., Chen, M., Xu, Q., Cao, X., 2023. A cool-arid climate with large temperature seasonality implied by arboreal pollen in the early Holocene, north-central China. Journal of Earth Science, 34(5): 1629–1631.
  15. Herzschuh, U., Böhmer, T., Chevalier, M., Hébert, R., Dallmeyer, A., Li, C., Cao, X., Peyron, O., Nazarova, L., Novenko, E.Y., Park, J., Rudaya, N.A., Schlütz, F., Shumilovskikh, L.S., Tarasov, P.E., Wang, Y., Wen, R., Xu, Q., Zheng, Z., 2023. Regional pollen-based Holocene temperature and precipitation patterns depart from the Northern Hemisphere mean trends. Climate of the Past, 19(7): 1481–1506. DOI: 10.5194/cp-19-1481-2023.
  16. Herzschuh, U., Böhmer, T., Li, C., Chevalier, M., Hébert, R., Dallmeyer, A., Cao, X., Bigelow, N.H., Nazarova, L., Novenko, E.Y., Park, J., Peyron, O., Rudaya, N.A., Schlütz, F., Shumilovskikh, L.S., Tarasov, P.E., Wang, Y., Wen, R., Xu, Q., Zheng, Z., 2023. LegacyClimate 1.0: a dataset of pollen-based climate reconstructions from 2594 Northern Hemisphere sites covering the last 30 kyr and beyond. Earth System Science Data, 15: 2235–2258. DOI: 10.5194/essd-15-2235-2023.
  17. Chevalier, M., Dallmeyer, A., Weitzel, N., Li, C., Baudouin, J.-P., Herzschuh, U., Cao, X., Hense, A., 2023. Refining data–data and data–model vegetation comparisons using the Earth mover’s distance (EMD). Climate of the Past, 19: 1043–1060. DOI: 10.5194/cp-19-1043-2023.
  18. Bhatta, K.P., Mottl, O., Felde, V.A., Flantua, S.G.A., Birks, H.H., Cao, X., Chen, F., Grytnes, J.-A., Seddon, A.W.R., Birks, H.J.B. 2023. Exploring spatio-temporal patterns of palynological changes in Asia during the Holocene. Frontiers in Ecology and Evology, 11: 1115784. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1115784.
  19. Karachurina, S., Rudaya, N., Frolova, L., Kuzmina, O., Cao, X., Chepinoga, V., Stoof-Leichsenring, K., Biskaborn, B., Herzschuh, U., Nigmatullin, N., Vnukovskaya, Y., Grekov, I., Pestryakova, L., 2023. Terrestrial vegetation and lake aquatic community diversity under climate change during the mid–late Holocene in the Altai Mountains. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 623: 111623.
  20. Li, F., Gaillard, M.-J., Cao, X., Herzschuh, U., Sugita, S., Ni, J., Zhao, Y., An, C., Huang, X., Li, Y., Liu, H., Sun, A., Yao, Y., 2023. Gridded pollen-based Holocene regional plant cover in temperate and northern subtropical China suitable for climate modeling. Earth System Science Data, 15: 95–112.
  21. Krivonogov, S.K., Zhdanova, A.N., Solotchin, P.A., Kazansky, A.Y., Chegis, V.V., Liu, Z., Song, M., Zhilich, S.V., Rudaya, N.A., Cao, X., Palagushkina, O.V., Nazarova, L.B., Syrykh, L.S., 2023. The Holocene environmental changes revealed from the sediments of the Yarkov sub-basin of Lake Chany, south-western Siberia. Geoscience Frontiers, 14: 101518.
  22. Gou, H., Wei, H.*, Duan, R., Chen, T., Fan, Q., Du, Y., Cao, X., 2022. Spatial distribution of modern pollen and fungal spores in Qinghai Lake and their ecological indication. Ecological Indicators, 144: 109474.
  23. Dallmeyer, A., Kleinen, T., Claussen, M., Weitzel, N., Cao, X., Herzschuh, U., 2022. The deglacial forest conundrum. Nature Communications, 13: 6035.
  24. Herzschuh, U., Böhmer, T., Li, C., Cao, X., Hébert, R., Dallmeyer, A., Telford, R.J., Kruse, S., 2022. Reversals in temperature-precipitation correlations in the Northern Hemisphere extratropics during the Holocene. Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1029/2022GL099730.
  25. Jia, W., Anslan, S., Chen, F., Cao, X., Dong, H., Dulias, K., Gu, Z., Heinecke, L., Jiang, H., Kruse, S., Kang, W., Li, K., Liu, S., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Ni, J., Schwalb, A., Stoof-Leichsenring, K.R., Shen, W., Tian, F., Wang, J., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Xu, H., Yang, X., Zhang, D., Herzschuh, U., 2022. Sedimentary ancient DNA reveals past ecosystem and biodiversity changes on the Tibetan Plateau: Overview and prospects. Quaternary Science Reviews, 293: 107703. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107703.
  26. Li, Z., Wang, Y., Herzschuh, U., Cao, X., Ni, J., Zhao, Y., 2022. Pollen-based biome reconstruction on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau during the past 15,000 years. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 111190. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.111190.
  27. Herzschuh, U., Li, C., Böhmer, T., Postl, A.K., Heim, B., Andreev, A.A., Cao, X., Wieczorek, M., Ni, J., 2022. LegacyPollen 1.0: A taxonomically harmonized global late Quaternary pollen dataset of 2831 records with standardized chronologies. Earth System Science Data, 14(7): 3213–3227.
  28. Tian, F.*, Qin, W., Zhang, R., Herzschuh, U., Ni, J., Zhang, C., Mischke, S., Cao, X., 2022. Palynological evidence for the temporal stability of the plant community in the Yellow River Source Area over the last 7400 years. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. DOI: 10.1007/s00334-022-00870-5.
  29. Li, C., Postl, A.K., Böhmer, T., Cao, X., Dolman, A.M., Herzschuh, U.*, 2022. Harmonized chronologies of a global late Quaternary pollen dataset (LegacyAge 1.0). Earth System Science Data, 14: 1331–1343.
  30. Qin, F., Zhao, Y., Cao, X., 2022. Biome reconstruction on the Tibetan Plateau since the Last Glacial Maximum using a machine learning method. Science China Earth Sciences, 65: 518–535. DOI: 10.1007/s11430-021-9867-1.
  31. Tian, F., Wang, W., Rudaya, N., Liu, X., Cao, X., 2022. Wet mid-late Holocene in central Asia supported prehistoric intercontinental cultural communication: clues from pollen data. Catena, 209: 105852.
  32. Rudaya, N., Nazarova, L., Frolova, L., Palagushkina, O., Soenov, V., Cao, X., Syrykh, L., Grekov, I., Otgonbayar, D., Bayarkhuu, B., 2021. The link between climate change and biodiversity of lacustrine inhabitants and terrestrial plant communities of the Uvs Nuur Basin (Mongolia) during the last three millennia. The Holocene, 31: 1443–1458.
  33. Rudaya, N., Frolova, L., Kuzmina, O., Cao, X., Karachurina, S., Nigmatullin, N., Vnukovskaya, Y., 2022. Terrestrial vegetation and lake aquatic communities diversity under climate change during the mid-late Holocene in the Altai Mountains (Ulagan plateau) based on the pollen and cladocera data. Limnology and Freshwater Biology, 2022(4): 1550−1552. DOI: 10.31951/2658-3518-2022-A-4-1550.
  34. Zhilich, S., Krivonogov, S., Nazarova, L., Palagushkina, O., Cao, X., Rudaya, N., 2022. Sediments of Lake Malye Chany as a Late Holocene paleoecological archive in the south of West Siberia (Russia). Limnology and Freshwater Biology, 2022 (4): 1628−1629. DOI: 10.31951/2658-3518-2022-A-4-1628.
  35. Liu, S., Li, K., Jia, W., Stoof-Leichsenring, K.R., Liu, X., Cao, X., Herzschuh, U., 2021. Vegetation reconstruction from Siberia and the Tibetan Plateau using modern analogue technique -comparing sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) and pollen data. Frontiers Ecology And Evolution, 9: 668611.
  36. Li, Z., Wang, Y., Herzschuh, U., Cao, X., Ni, J., Zhao, Y., 2021. Pollen-based mapping of Holocene vegetation on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in response to climate change. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 573: 110412.
  37. Zhao, Y., Miao, Y., Lei, Y., Cao, X., Xiang, M., 2021. Progress, problems and prospects of palynology in reconstructing environmental change in the inland arid areas of Asia. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 13: 271−291.
  38. Lv, F., Chen, J., Zhou, A., Cao, X., Zhang, X., Wang, Z., Wu, D., Chen, X., Yan, J., Wang, H., Dong, G., Xu, Q., Huang, X., Chen, F., 2021. Vegetation history and precipitation changes in the NE Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: a 7,900-yr pollen record from Caodalian Lake. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 36, e2020PA004126.
  39. Zhao, Y., Liang, C., Cui, Q., Zheng, Z., Xiao, X., Ma, C., Felde, V., Liu, Y., Qin, F., Li, Q., Zhang, Z., Herzschuh, U., Xu, Q., Wei, H., Cai, M., Cao, X., Guo, Z., Birks, J., 2021. Temperature reconstructions for the last 1.74-Ma on the eastern Tibetan Plateau by using an improved pollen-based quantitative method. Global and Planetary Change, 199: 103433.
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