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28th Himalayan Karakorum Tibet Workshop and 6th International Symposium on Tibetan Plateau Joint Conference

28th Himalayan Karakorum Tibet Workshop and 6th International Symposium on Tibetan Plateau Joint Conference, 

Tuebingen/Germany, 22-24 August 2013

We are happy to invite you for participation in Tuebingen!
All actual information on the conference will be published and regularly updated on the conference web page: http://www.tip.uni-tuebingen.de/index.php/hkt-istp-2013-tuebingen
The main information also follows here below.

This will be the second HKT & ISTP joint conference after HKT24-ISTP5 2009 in Beijing and the first ISTP outside China.

Geodynamics (the HKTW in its common manner)
The Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding mountain ranges and basins is a key region for researching continental collision processes and long-term climate evolution. It is also important for understanding natural hazards.
Topics: continental collision - plateau uplift and mountain building – geochronology - long-term paleoclimate evolution – neotectonics - earthquake activities and landslides
Climate, hydrology and cryosphere
The Tibetan Plateau with its surrounding mountain ranges is the water head of major river systems in Asia. Research on water cycle and climate archives helps to understand the Asian monsoon system and the plateau response to global change.
Topics: Climate observations and modeling – lakes, rivers, glaciers, permafrost and geomorphology in the view of water cycle and climate change – archives of Late Paleocene and Holocene climate evolution
Ecosystems in view of environmental change and human impact
The Tibetan Plateau is associated with extreme environmental conditions, while variability of monsoon climate is threatening human life with floods and droughts. The ecosystems are especially sensitive  to environmental change and human impacts.
Topics: ecosystems and biodiversity of alpine and monsoonal regions – response of ecosystems to environmental change and human impact – interdependence and environmental impact of land use

Call for abstracts:
The call for abstracts is open! 
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 30 June 2013
   Details see HKT-ISTP Website 

Registration is open! 
HKT-ISTP-2013 Registration fees
Early Registration
before 30 April
1 May through 31 July
Late Registration
after 1 August
General Registration
EUR 200
EUR 280
EUR 320
Students* &     PhD Students*
EUR 120
EUR 170
EUR 200
Accompanying Persons
EUR 120
EUR 170
EUR 200

Registration fees cover meeting materials, ice breaker party, banquet, lunches, dinners, tea/coffee breaks, and other services during the meeting.

* Student I.D. required (please email pdf or jpg copy under ref: "student registration: Lastname Firstname" to the organising office: hkt.istp.2013@gmail.com)

Online Registration and Payment 

Online registration of participants and payments will be handled by tgag, a non profit service company at Tübingen University (you will be redirected to the ISTP-HKT-2013 registration and payment pages on www.tgag-center.de.

Hotel reservation:
Block reservations for participants have been made at several hotels in and around Tübingen. For Student participants and budget travellers, the DJH youth hostel Tübingen,situated at the scenic banks of Neckar river, offers excellent value.
After your conference registration, hotel booking is possible using hotel booking code and participant registration customer number.
For details, please see HKT-ISTP Website

Field trips:
Two 6-7 day field trips to the Alps, one for (A): geology, one for (B): environment are planned directly after the conference, starting 25 August
Pre-registration for individual field trips during conference registration!
For preliminary program and cost estimates, please see HKT-ISTP Website 

Conference location:
Conference centre "Kupferbau" 
H lderlinstra e 5, 72074 Tübingen, Germany

Conference organising committee:
Local organisation:
Erwin Appel, Todd Ehlers (Univ. Tübingen)
Liping Zhu (Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research)
technical: Wolfgang R sler (Univ. Tübingen), Wolfgang Bott (tgag executive secretary)
International advisory board:
Volker Mosbrugger (Senckenberg Frankfurt, Germany)
Tandong Yao (Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research CAS, China)
Mike Searle (Univ. Oxford, United Kingdom)
Khum Paudayal (Tribhuvan Univ., Nepal)
Bob Spicer (Open Univ., United Kingdom)
Carina Hoorn (Univ. Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Sushma Prasad (GFZ Potsdam, Germany)
Chris Poulsen (Univ. Michigan, USA)
Du Zheng (Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources CAS, China)

Important dates:
end of early registration
30 April 2013
deadline for field trips signup
30 April 2013
(first come, first served)
submission of abstracts
release of detailed program
(3rd circular)
1 August 2013
start of late registration 
1 August 2013
ice breaker party
21 August (evening)


Please forward this information to your colleagues!
In case of multiple announcements, we apologise for your inconvenience.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Tuebingen!
With best regards from Tuebingen/Germany
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