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  应大陆碰撞与高原隆升重点实验室赵平研究员的邀请,美国斯坦福大学Simon L. Klemperer教授来青藏高原所交流并作学术报告。

  题  目:Detection of a widespread mantle component of 3He in thermal springs of Xizang requires incipiently melting of the mantle at the Tibetan Moho

  报告人:Prof. Simon L. Klemperer

          Stanford University

  主持人:赵 平 研究员

  时  间:2018-10-23(星期二)上午10: 00

  地  点:青藏高原所915会议室

  简  介:Simon L. Klemperer is Professor of Geophysics, and of Geological & Environmental Sciences, at Stanford University. Klemperer earned his bachelor’s degree at Cambridge University, and his PhD at Cornell University. Both his PhD and subsequent post-doctoral research at Cambridge applied multichannel seismic reflection methods to the exploration of the continental lithosphere and to the investigation of deep tectonic processes. Since 1992, Klemperer has been studying the Himalaya-Tibet orogen, first with the INDEPTH program of seismic and magnetotelluric studies in Xizang and Qinghai, and more recently collaborating with SINOPROBE to record and interpret reflection profiles. Since 2015 Klemperer has collaborated with ITPCAS to use noble-gas geochemistry to probe the state of the upper mantle beneath Tibet and this presentation will show first results of that collaboration. Klemperer’s recent interests also include the cratonic structure of the Ordos Plateau; mantle earthquakes in Saudi Arabia; and neotectonic vertical motions of the San Andreas fault system offshore southern Califronia. Klemperer is a fellow of both the Geological Society of America and the American Geophysical Union.


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