应高寒生态学与生物多样性重点实验室孔维栋研究员邀请,美国普渡大学Cindy Nakatsu教授将前来青藏所交流并做学术报告。 题 目:Effects of Dietary Fiber on the Gut Microbiome and Human Health 报告人:Cindy Nakatsu 教 授 主持人:孔维栋 研究员 时 间:2015年7月20日(星期一)下午3:00-5:00 地 点:青藏高原研究所915会议室 报告人简介: Nakatsu教授是微生物生态学研究国际领导人之一,系统地发展了一些微生物生态学研究方法,如DGGE、蛋白组学、单PCR检测多基因技术、高通量测序生物信息学分析分析等。在土壤和人体微生物生态学方面开展了引领性的研究工作。 Nakatsu教授担任多个微生物生态学SCI顶级刊物副主编和编委,如Soil Science Journal of America Journal,Applied and Environmental Microbiology, FEMS Microbiology Ecology等。 报告简介: The growing knowledge of health benefits related to fibers in general has led to the investigation of the impact of specific forms of fiber. We are investigating the addition of soluble corn fiber (SCF, PROMITOR®, Tate and Lyle), to diets and changes in intestinal microbiome composition and its association with human heath with respect to calcium (Ca) absorption. Two different study designs were used to test SCF added to the diet of adolescents. One was a controlled feeding metabolic balance approach and the other an effectiveness study using free-living subjects. Microbial community composition was assessed using next generation sequencing of PCR amplified 16S rRNA genes. In both studies Ca absorption increased by about 12% with SCF consumption compared to no SCF and there was a significant increase in the proportion of some bacteria as well as significantly correlations with Ca absorption. These bacterial changes associated with SCF consumption and the increase in Ca absorption suggests that fermentation of SCF by these microbes modifies the gut environment. Modulating the intestinal microbiota with SCF increases calcium absorption leading to increased bone mass essential to good health. . 欢迎各位老师和同学参加! 高寒生态学与生物多样性重点实验室 |