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  题 目:A summary of 10 years research on GDGTs from terrestrial hot springs 

  报告人:张传伦  教授 

  主持人:孔维栋   研究员 



  报告人简介:张传伦,博士,同济大学海洋学院教授。19847月华东石油学院(今石油大学)勘探系毕业,获理学学士学位;19869月就读美国德州农工大学 Texas A&M University)地质系,于198912月获理学硕士学位 (论文题目为石碳系腕足类化石氧同位素及古环境意义),于199312月获博士学位 (论文题目为地下水甲烷的生物地球化学)。19945月在美国橡树岭国家实验室做博士后,1998 9月受聘于美国密苏里大学地质系任助理教授,20029月受聘于美国佐治亚大学Savannah 河生态实验室任副研究员兼海洋学院副教授,2010年晋升为正教授。20089月正式受聘于同济大学海洋学院讲座教授海洋学院;2012年在同济大学任全职教授至今。从博士后算起,参加的研究课题包括地下深部生物圈,地下水环境保护与修复,热泉及其他极端环境地质微生物,天然气水合物生物地球化学,及海洋古菌和陆相古菌的生态和地球化学过程,目前主要研究领域为基因组学驱动的海洋地质微生物。共发表SCI索引文章100余篇,被引用次数超过3300,H指数34。目前担任“中国科学地球科学”编委,美国“Applied and Environmental Microbiology”及“Archaea”编委,欧洲“Frontiers in Microbiology 副主编。 

   报告摘要:With the advancement in liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, research on glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers has been growing fruitfully since the first comprehensive study of GDGTs published 14 years ago. The most significant applications of GDGTs are the paleo sea surface (or lake surface) temperature proxy TEX86 and continental air temperature proxy MBT/CBT, though the latter can also be used to estimate paleo soil pH. GDGTs (crenarcheol in particular) in terrestrial hot springs were firstly reported in 2004; however application of GDGTs in the geothermal environments has been limited, mainly because of the complexity of the ecosystem and multiple variables affecting GDGT distribution simultaneously. Nevertheless, research in terrestrial hot springs over the last ten years has provided valuable insight into the dynamic interactions between environmental and biological variables affecting the distribution of GDGTs in these environments, which meanwhile allows us to appreciate the applicability of GDGT proxies in the large aquatic (oceans, lakes) or terrestrial soil environments. Overall, the following conclusions can be drawn about the sources and province of GDGTs in terrestrial hot springs that have been studied in Yellowstone, the Great Basin, Kamchataka, and Tengchong: 1) almost all the major GDGTs that were initially observed in other settings can be found to form in situ in the hot springs, 2) hot springs normally harbor greater abundance of GDGTs than their surrounding soils, 3) pH and not temperature is the dominating factor affecting the distribution of GDGTs globally in the hot spring environment, and microbial community structure also plays a secondary role. Furthermore, the ubiquity of GDGTs in terrestrial hot spring environment stimulates our interest in the question of whether all GDGT producers have a thermophilic origin.  




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