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报告题目 : Atmospheric chemistry and climate interactions: a paleo perspective from ice core records
报 告 人耿雷 博士    

主 持 人田立德 研究员   

地    点:青藏高原研究所办公楼 915 会议室  

时    间2014年10月09日(星期四)15:00-17:00    


耿雷,男,博士,美国华盛顿大学大气科学系博士后助理研究员。2006年本科毕业于中国科学技术大学,2012 年博士毕业于美国South Dakota State University。主要从事冰芯气候环境纪录和大气化学的研究。博士期间参与了美国WAIS Divide 深冰芯计划,负责冰芯化学成分的测量分析工作,并运用大气化学传输模式对极地冰雪样品中气溶胶成分的浓度和季节变化进行分析,为冰芯大气气溶胶成分的解释提供基础信息。目前主要运用氧同位素非质量分馏分析手段,结合化学传输模型,研究冰芯记录中的大气化学及大气氧化能力和机制等对气候变化和人类活动驱动的响应。这为理解大气化学和气候的交互作用提供重要参考信息。目前已经在PNAS, Nature等杂志发表多篇论文。 

摘  要 Atmospheric chemistry influences the concentrations of short-lived pollutants (e.g., tropospheric ozone, VOCs, and aerosols), contributing to climate change on both regional and global scales. Climate variability, in turn, affects means and extremes of these pollutants since their chemistry and transport are sensitive to meteorology. Knowledge on interactions of chemistry and climate is thus important for understanding of current environmental issues (e.g., air pollution, acid deposition) and projection of future climate change. Ice core records of atmospheric chemical components, along with that of other climate proxies, have the potential to elucidate the relationship between atmospheric chemistry and climate. However, ice cores often preserve only the end products of atmospheric chemistry, providing none or little insight into the chemical processes which are directly impacted by climate. Oxidation in the atmosphere, by determining the rates of destruction and/or production of short-lived species, is the key process linking atmospheric chemistry to climate. Information on past changes in oxidation thus illuminates interactions between atmospheric chemistry and climate.


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