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  应高寒生态与生物多样性重点实验室孔维栋研究员邀请,美国迈阿密大学微生物系Rachael Morgan-Kiss副教授和生物信息学与功能基因组学中心主任Andor Kiss博士将前来青藏所交流并做学术报告。 


  题目一:Role of Microbial Eukaryotes in carbon and energy 

           cycling in ice-covered Antarctic lakes 

  报告人:Rachael Morgan-Kiss  副教授 

  题目二:Exploiting Environmental Stress Adaptation to Understand 

          Functional Genomics 

  报告人:Andor Kiss   博士 

  主持人:孔维栋    研究员 




  Abstract 1: Microbial eukaryotes are highly abundant and perform diverse ecosystem functions in aquatic food webs. Photosynthetic eukaryotes are major primary producers in marine and freshwater ecosystems. Heterotrophic protists capable of predatory behavior play important roles in controlling prey populations and linking the microbial loop with higher trophic levels. Mixotrophy (combined ability for photosynthesis and heterotrophy) is now recognized to be widely distributed across diverse groups of microbial eukaryotes. The ice-covered lakes of the McMurdo Dry Valleys represent natural laboratories for the study of ecosystem functioning and the influence of environmental drivers on an aquatic system dominated by the microbial loop. We have exploited these isolated systems to explore trophic function and metabolic versatility of Antarctic microbial eukaryotes and to better understand how limitations in nutrient and energy sources influence the distribution of the globally important, poorly understood group of microorganisms. Potential trophic linkages between dry valley lake bacteria and eukaryotes will also be discussed. 

  Abstract 2: Protein stability plays a central role in human pathologies, such as atherosclerosis, cataract, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases, as well as being a central determinant for successful physiological adaptation in animals and other organisms.  We exploit ectothermic animals adapted to disparate thermal environments to identify specific adaptive changes at the molecular level that confer success at the organismal level.  Investigating eye lens proteins known as ‘crystallins’ as a model system, we have identified and functionally validated molecular residue changes in that have provided insight into the molecular mechanism of non-lenticular protein function.  More recently, we are using the freeze tolerant North American wood frog as a model of extreme adaptation at the protein, transcriptomic and epigenetic levels. Integrative approaches with this organism is likely to yield the nature of seasonally queued thermal adaptation necessary for survival. 



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