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  应高寒生态与生物多样性重点实验室刘勇勤研究员邀请,美国Desert Research InstituteAlison Murray博士将前来青藏所交流并做学术报告。 

    目:Insights on habitability in icy brines of Lake Vida 

  报告人:Alison Murray   博士 

  主持人:刘勇勤    研究员 



    介:Dr. Murray is a molecular microbial ecologist with research interests centered around a common theme of utilizing molecular biological and genomic approaches to describe the diversity of life, understand the evolutionary history, ecological roles, and physiological capacity and capabilities of microorganisms that inhabit environments (or other organisms) several of which are considered to be at the extremes of where life exists. For more information, please refer to http://www.dri.edu/alison-murray?showall=&limitstart= 

  Abstract:Ice-entrained Lake Vida brine has provided an accessible natural habitat to study life in the slow lane – where cellular growth is limited, but not extinguished. We measured in situ stable isotopic signatures of N2O, SO42-, H2, conducted experiments utilizing stable isotope geochemical tracers to detect microbial transformations and employed radioisotopically-labeled amino acid precursors to detect cellular macromolecule biosynthesis. The results indicated a dominance of abiotic processes in the brine – yet support metabolically active life through detection of nominal rates of protein biosynthesis. At the same time, the brine has posed a challenge to our understanding of ecosystem energetics.  



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