应环境变化与地表过程重点实验室梁尔源研究员邀请, 德国University of Erlangen Nürnberg的Achim Bräuning教授前来我所交流并作学术报告。
报告题目:Asian Summer Monsoon Variability and Glacier History Over the Tibetan Plateau Derived From a Tree-ring Stable Oxygen Isotope Network
讲座教授:Prof. Achim Bräuning
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
主 持 人:梁尔源研究员
地 点:我所办公楼915会议室
时 间:2014年2月19日(星期三)14:00-16:00
简 介:
Isotope discrimination levels in trees over the Tibetan plateau reveal highly persistent spatial patternsthat are slightly modified by short-term variations in hydroclimate, especially by evapotranspiration and available soil moisture. Millennium-long oxygen isotope chronologies over the Tibetan plateau indicate a strong moisture contrast between the humid marginal areas of the Tibetan plateau and the interior regions. Humid periods coincide with glacier advance periods of monsoonal type glaciers. After the Little Ice age maximum around AD 1780, the stable isotope chronologies converge and show a common trend of increasing dryness, indicating a stronger common climatic forcing by the Asian summer monsoon.