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应环境变化与地表过程重点实验室易朝路研究员的邀请, 英国南安普顿大学(University of Southampton)Hong Yang博士前来青藏高原研究所交流并作学术报告。

题目:Dissolved Organic Carbon Reconstruction Using Diatom Habitats

报告人:Hong Yang博士


时间:2013年2月27日(星期三) 9:00-11:00



Hong Yang received his PhD from University College London under the supervision of Rick Battarbee Fellow of Royal Society through the funding of Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards (DHPA) from the Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC). Dr. Yang worked as a Research Fellow at University of Southampton from October 2009 to March 2013. He is now a Lecturer in Environmental Geography in University of St Andrews. His research interests mainly focus on aquatic environmental change and ecology, drinking water quality and the application of GIS in aquatic environment. He has published 30 SCI papers, including 4 Nature correspondences and 2 Science letters.

The increase of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) in the last decades in rivers and lakes in the Northern Europe and Northern America resulted in the water browning and carbon cycle change. There are still controversies about the causes of the increasing DOC, but the long-term history of DOC will help to understand the mechanism of DOC variation. DOC was reconstructed for the first time using transfer function in 1980s. However, the reconstructed DOC values were deteriorated by the relationship between DOC and pH. As the first attempt, this study reconstructed the DOC based on the diatom habitat ratio (PLSH). Diatoms were collected from four different habitats including rock, mud, aquatic plant and surface sediment in an oligotrophic lake in Southwest Scotland. The indicator species for the four habitats were identified using IndVal method. There is a significant relationship between PLSH ratio and observed DOC results (r=0.873, p<0.0001). In addition, the prediction errors of PLSH method (max bias=0.649, RMSEP=0.285) are much smaller than those of the transfer function method (max bias=2.796, RMSEP=1.181). The PLSH method can be used in other oligotrophic lakes.


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