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应大陆碰撞与高原隆升重点实验室赵俊猛研究员的邀请,澳大利亚联邦科学工业研究院骆循博士和悉尼大学Peter Hatherly教授来我所访问,并作学术报告。



2、报告题目:Application of geophysical methods to coal mining problems

报告人:Prof. Peter Hatherly

时  间:2011-10-19下午14:00

地  点:青藏所二楼会议室



2) Peter Hatherly, CRC Mining Professor of Mining Geophysics, the University of Sydney.

The methods of exploration geophysics have mainly been developed to help identify mineral exploration targets and potential oil and gas reservoirs. The world, however, also requires significant amounts of the coal and iron ore to supply the raw materials required for the urbanisation of countries such as China and India. For example, the United Nations estimates that the urban population of China will increase from 635 million people in 2010 to over one billion people by 2045.

To produce these raw materials, the capacity of mining companies is being stretched to the limit. Increasing volumes are required while at the same time, safety standards must improve. Geophysical methods have an important role to play in allowing mining companies meet these requirements. In this talk, I will illustrate applications of geophysical methods including: 2D and 3D seismic reflection surveying, geotechnical assessment from borehole log analysis and stability assessment from microseismic monitoring.

In these examples, there is an underlying need to understand the geological setting. Geophysical results become more significant when they provide new insights into the geology of an area.

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