

应高寒生态学与生物多样性重点实验室汪诗平研究员邀请,美国University of Oklahoma 微生物与植物生物学系肖向明教授将前来青藏高原研究所交流并作学术报告。

题  目: Infectious diseases, birds and grasslands in the Tibetan Plateau

报告人:肖向明  教授

主持人:汪诗平  研究员

时  间:2013年3月15日(星期五)下午14:30-16:00

地  点:青藏高原研究所(新址)九层915会议室

简  介: 

Xiangming Xiao is a Professor of Ecology at the Department of Microbiology and Plant Biology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA. He directs the Earth Observation and Modeling Facility (http://www.eomf.ou.edu), and is an associate director of the Center for Spatial Analysis. He serves as a Subject-Matter Editor for Ecological Applications journal, and a Review Editor for EcoHealth journal. Dr. Xiao has been involved in interdisciplinary study in the areas of geospatial technologies, land cover and land use change, terrestrial carbon cycle, biodiversity and zoonotic infectious diseases. Dr. Xiao leads an effort in community remote sensing and manages a community- and citizen science data portal, including the Global Geo-Referenced Field Photo Library (http://www.eomf.ou.edu/photos). As PI or Co-PI, Dr. Xiao has been involved in 44 research projects receiving a total of ~$47 millions from federal agencies (e.g. NIH, NSF, NASA, DOI, and USDA) since 1994. He has authored and co-authored 120 papers and book chapters.