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       4月12日至17日,欧洲地球科学联合会(EGU)大会在奥地利维也纳举行。会上,“第三极环境”(TPE)国际计划再次组织了主题为“The Third Pole Environment - Observation and modelling of hydro-meteorological processes in high elevation areas”的TPE专题分会。此次分会由我所马耀明研究员、张凡研究员以及荷兰屯特大学Bob Su教授等担任联合召集人。

       围绕第三极等高海拔地区水文气象过程这一研究主题,在本次TPE分会现场,来自中国、美国、意大利、瑞士等国知名研究机构的6位学者作了口头报告,分别是“The change of the Tibetan Plateau climate system and its impact on eastern Asia (by Yaoming Ma) ”、特邀报告“The Development in modeling Tibetan Plateau Land/Climate Interaction (by Yongkang Xue)”、特邀报告“Dynamics of the Asian Summer Monsoon Onset and the Tibetan Plateau Impacts (by Liu Yimin) ”、“Stochastic hydrological and degree-day model coupled for the Himalayan glacierized catchments: the case study of Dudh Koshi River, Nepal (by Nicolas Guyennon) ”、“Spatio-temporal snow cover change and hydrological characteristics of the Astore, Gilgit and Hunza river basins (western Himalayas, Hindukush and Karakoram region) - Northern Pakistan (by Adnan Ahmad TAHIR) ”、“The bimodal structure of the elevation-dependent warming in the Tibetan Plateau/Himalayas simulated by CMIP5 models (by Elisa Palazzi)”。此外,14位学者还以展板的形式与参会者分享了他们的研究成果。EGU大会TPE水文气象专题分会为从事第三极地区水文气象研究的科研人员提供了一个成果展示和学术交流的理想平台,并进一步扩大了以中国科学家为主导的国际科学计划的影响力。



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